Weight Gain with Hormone Therapy - Is This For Real????

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  • 163 subscribers

17 June 2024, I had Zoladex 10.8mg inplanted by subcutaneous injection which is meant to last for 3 months (till the end of August 2024). I cannot believe the weight gain that has ensued! Is this for real??!

I was a county Club Tennis player for 20 years and won a tournament in 2019. When the world shout down in 2020, and I could not play tennis for over a year, as my local courts were padlocked shut - which I am still fuming over, as it denied my my one outlet of full-throttle exercise! I found none of my clothes fit me when I was due to return to work in 2021! With hormone therapy for preparation for RT - I feel like a Sumo Wrestler - or the Michelin Man that used to appear on commercials in the1970s! 

Has anyone undergone this situation?

Even though I have changed my diet to a more vegetable - based one, I seem to be ballooning around the mid-riff. I cannot dare to go back on a tennis court for fear my knees will give way - I pull something - or I cause greater problems. 

How on earth does one get the weight down? Is it even possible whilst undergoing HT?

  • Hi  , I understand your concern about weight gain.  I have been on Zoladex for over 7 years and it is a struggle, but if I am reading your post correctly, you had already been increasing in weight, so HT is really not going to help.  The basic rule unfortunately seems to be an equation between food intake and exercise.  Any excess in the equation will now go onto your midriff due to the HT.  I am sure others will come along in due course to help with diet, but don’t forget the exercise in the equation.  Hope this helps.  Best wishes, David

  • Hi  . There is no easy solution to the spread round the middle which is caused partly by the hormone therapy. If the weight is really piling on then can I suggest a 2 pronged attack. Diet wise you have made adjustments for the better but the body is a complex system which needs the correct balance of nutrients to ensure it works optimally. A dietician could check that you are achieving this and very often a small tweak can make a big difference. Exercise wise why not see if you can be referred to a physiotherapist or a local gym which has specialists who deal with cancer patients.

    Recognising the issue is a good start, unfortunately the solution will take some determination on your part.

  • I recently ended two years of Zoladex (with the full range of side effects) and it's my opinion that you just have to look at food to absorb the calories, let alone eat anything. I have gone from 86Kg to 99Kg since the beginning of the year and that's with a healthy diet. My bra size is increasing with my mid-riff measurement. Exercise is making no difference.

  • Hi,

    I just saw your post. My husband diagnosed in November 2023 and started HT immediately. Within 4 months he ballooned around the middle and put on 6kg. He ate really well, lots of vegs etc and  swim everyday. Nothing help. 10 Weeks ago he saw a dietitian and she adjusted his diet and he now lost this extra 6kg. He only saw the dietitian once and it was worth every penny. If you see someone privately, make sure they work for the NHS as well, so you know the person is well regulated.

    Lots of love


  • That is brilliant news Dafna and great advice. Just small changes can make a big difference. My husband initially lost 10 kg when he was first diagnosed and has only put 2 back on in 4 years, plus bloods remain stable. The doctors verdict - carry on doing whatever you are doing. Grinning

  • My doctor  referred  me to weight  watchers  I lost to stone  I was on zoldex