Seeking Feedback on Hormone Therapy for Prostate Cancer

  • 11 replies
  • 164 subscribers

I appreciate the time taken by those who have responded to my posts in the past. I am looking to see if my current experiences are comparible with yours (if you have undergone Hormone Therapy in preparation for Radio Therapy) - or if I am unique in my experiences: - 

[a] 05 March 2024, I was prescribed a Month's worth of Bicalutamide Hormone tablets. PSA Score = 15.61. By changing my diet from the time I received my original diagnosis (January 2024) - increasing my natural greens, vegetables, minimising coffee, alcohol and processed food etc - by11 June 2024, my PSA score reduced to 10.3. I am not sure if it is the hormone treatment or the diet (or both!) that has contributed to the PSA Score reduction - but this is a positive thing, right?

[b] 17 June 2024, I had inplanted Zoladex 10.8mg by subcutaneous injection which is meant to last for 3 months (till the end of August 2024). I have to confess, the waves of "heat flushes" is taking a little while to get used to. Sometimes, I will spontaneously start to sweat on my face, neck and arms - even when relaxed and sitting down! What is the biological explanation for the heat flushes and sweating? Why does it happen?

[c] I have found on a few occasions that I will suddenly find my mind going "blank"! What was I just doing!? What was I about to do!? Is this a "normal" phenomenon with hormone therapy? Is this some type of "brain fog"? If so - why does it happen?

[d] I have been given 3 months supply of Calcium Carbonate - ostensibly to prevent bone damage through the hormone treatment. Has anyone had any side effects through this?

I am trying to navigate my way through an experience none of us willingly opted for - so I am trying to understand what I am experiencing, to see what is "normal" and what may be "abnormal" so I can devise a strategy to take action if necessary.

[e] One thing that has occurred over the past 3 weeks is the fact my left eye became red, sore and bloodshot - out-of-the-blue! After 2 weeks of trying to phone my GP and using the ineffective NHS111 website - I eventually was seen by a mortal human being, (by walking into an Emergency Eye Centere), who said I had "Episcleritis" (eyball infection) - but the cause was "unknown". They surmised that my body - being under stress of fighting cancer - could have been a contributing factor. Just wondering if anyone has experienced such an occurrance before? 

All in all, I am still trying to remain positive. I do not feel the "management" where I work take my situation seriously, and are expecting me to perform as normal, just like everybody else. Empathy and compassion appear to have "left the building" - but I am used to this type of behaviour and conduct. 

Thank you in advance for your time, feedback and camaraderie. It really is much appreciated.