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  • 4 replies
  • 161 subscribers

Hi all

Had my diagnosis confirmed on Monday, luckily it is the least aggressive type of prostate cancer so it's a strange feeling at present especially as a nurse who's worked on the other side of the fence. I'll probably think of lots of questions but just wanted to say hello for now..

I wish everyone luck wherever their journey takes them.

  • Hi MickyD welcome to the forum from a fellow nurse who has popped in from another thread. Its not easy for us as Nurses, we know too much, or we think we do and our heads get filled with worst case scenarios but hey if I can give you any piece of advice as someone who has had  a different type of Cancer take it a day at a time and one part of this journey at a time.


    Community Champion Badge

  • Thanks Gail

    We lost my Father in law last year with Lung cancer but my wife has been an absolute rock through all this and you're right. One day at a time.

  • Hi  

    A warm welcome from a wife here whose husband is the opposite end of the prostate cancer scale but still going strong four years after diagnosis. We are a friendly bunch with sometimes a wacky sense of humour which helps us get through. Please ask any questions no matter what, we do not get embarrassed and are open about most matters. The one piece of advice we can give at the start is to try and keep as fit as possible as fatigue is the main thing most men have to deal with no matter what the treatment route. It does help us to help you if you could update your profile page with any information you have at present. Click on the chair next to your name, edit profile, then save.

  • Hi there Thumbsup

    this forum is a great source of reliable information.

    click on my photo to read my journey so far.