Hi, I'm new here

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I am about to start brachytherapy treatment next Tuesday 16th,  with follow up of 15 sessions of external beam radiation. Has anyone here had this treatment?

  • Hi  

    A warm welcome to the family. We have a member who has been through Brachytherapy earlier this year. His journey is an inspiration for those going along this route. I have tagged him in but there may be a delay as he is currently hiking in the Alps. You can get a summary of journey by reading his profile  .

    The one thing we all take from this is to try and keep as fit as possible.

    Many have been through radiotherapy, including my husband, which is nowhere near as frightening as it sounds and the combined therapy you have been offered has shown to have good results.

    Please come back with any questions and this friendly group will try and help.

  • Hi igodgerry.

    Good afternoon and welcome to our prostate family it's great to meet you today.

    I can see that you have already had some good info from Alwayshope below and I do hope that this is okay for you???

    Following my diagnosis last June 2023 the treatment that I am currently on is HT.  This has made a big impact to date and I have got Chemo in reserve if things change???

    We have got some info on our website with regards to "brachytherapy" if this would be helpful???

    Please please let me know if you would like me to point you in the right direction???

    Prostate Worrier.

  • Good Afternoon  

    Another warm welcome to the Macmillan Online Prostate Community from me too, although I am so sorry you have joined our exclusive club!

    I can't say much more than has been said in the cracking post above from  I am sure if you have any questions on Brachytherapy Alpine Wanderer will be more than happy to answer them.

    So we can give you the best possible help are you able to put a little bit about your journey to date and your initial PSA, Gleason Score and TNM staging in your profile. To do this click on the image of the chair in the top right of your home screen, then "profile" and then "edit". Once you have written something, don't forget to click on "save". (You can read a member's profile by clicking on their username or avatar)

    Best wishes - Brian.

    Community Champion badge

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    Strength, Courage, Faith, Hope, Defiance, VICTORY.

    I am a Macmillan volunteer.

  •  Cheers, I have read   journey through Brachytherapy, it gives me more confidence, I was having a bit of a wobble today. Thinking should I cancel the Brachytherapy and go for surgery. 

    But now I feel more comfortable with my decision.  Thanks Slight smile

  • Hi  - well, thanks to  you have already read my summary journey and - maybe - looked at (the long thread) of the full journey that can be referred to from the summary.

    I’m glad that your wobble has stabilised. I’ve been out hiking all day and have just finished dinner (with wine, of course) with Mrs AW.  From this information, you can probably tell that my side effects are minimal and not affecting my lifestyle!  Of course, I’m still on HT, so no libido, so Mrs AW has to prompt bedroom action : but, once prompted, everything works as advertised (no ED). So try not to worry about the journey ahead of you.

    i hope you watched the video links on my profile - they are pretty reassuring in my opinion. Your consultant has put you on Brachytherapy Boost, with only 15 external beam sessions, so I suspect you are prostate only rather than full pelvis.  This is great news and I suspect you are T2c?  Keep the faith - you’re on a great course of treatment towards cure.

    come back if you want answers to specific questions.  You’ll be fine, no need to wobble any more!    AW

  • PS - if you could follow the advice to fill in your profile, that would be useful.   AW