Prostate diagnosis.

  • 13 replies
  • 162 subscribers

Hi everyone, I'm new to the group, and after reading many of the personal experiences of others I feel somewhat humbled to make my own first post.

Following a friend's diagnosis of stage 4 prostate cancer I decided to ask my GP for PSA tests. They came back at 9.72 and then at 9.85. A subsequent biopsy confirmed that I had a TNM stage T2 - No - Mo cancer. Thankfully it is confined to the prostate.

I have been on bicalutamide tablets for a month and have just had my second Prostap SR injection. I wasn't given a choice of 'down the road treatment', I was just told I would need radiotherapy every day for a month this coming October. This concerns me because I have a very sensitive skin as does my sister, and she suffered badly from the effects of radiotherapy following breast cancer. I am also concerned at the side effects of both bowel and bladder problems which can result from radiotherapy. Has any any experiences or advice to offer that can ease my concerns?

Best regards to everyone.

Lancashire Lad.

  • Hi,

    Sorry to hear of your diagnosis.

    I've had 37 radiotherapy sessions (74Gy) and while the month after there were some bowel and bladder issues, it all settled down after 2 months. I'm now 3 months after and with no issues.

    If your tumour location allows it, it may be worth checking if you can get a rectal spacer (hydrogel/spaceOar). It's a small procedure that inject a gel between your prostate and rectum, so when they radiate the prostate it doesn't hit the bowel as badly (it hits the gel instead). This almost eliminated the most severe bowel reactions. The gel dissolve by itself after a few months so doesn't need to be removed. I've had this done privately. I'm not sure if this is available on the NHS everywhere but worth asking.

    Good luck 


  • Hi AW. My results are not as clearly defined as yours so I cannot give comparative figures.


  • Hi G. Thanks for your response, all information is extremely useful and I shall certainly be following up your advice on the rectal spacer when I have my first visit a month before the radiotherapy starts. I am scheduled for 60Gy and I see from another post that this is the TOTAL dose I will be receiving. This is the first I was aware of that. Thanks again;

    Best regards,
