Recent diagnosis

  • 4 replies
  • 159 subscribers

Hi everyone. 

4 weeks ago, I was peeing blood. Went to GP and given antibiotics. 

It cleared up within 2 weeks and was referred to urology.

At the same time, i suffered a serious chest infection that hospitalised me for 6 days so urology was put on the back burner until I was discharged.

Saw a urology consultant and was sent for MRI scan and colon, bladder and prostrate biopsies all in 3 days.

Was then told i had prostrate cancer and that it had spread into my bones and there was no cure.

All within 4 weeks.

Head is in a shed.

Got full body nuclear scan next Wednesday when I'll be told life expectancy. 

Can have hormone injections which can help prolong my life expectancy. 

It's harder because our only son, an autistic 23 year old, has been diagnosed with incurable with B-cell Hodgkins Lymphoma cancer.

  • Good Afternoon  

    A warm welcome to the online Prostate Community - I am so sorry to find you here under the circumstances, especially with the added issues you have with your son.

    The initial diagnosis does come as a shock to the system, especially if you have not been showing any symptoms. I can confirm that there are plenty of treatments for Prostate Cancer and we have a wealth of Community members on this Community with a diagnosis of "treatable - not curable" who have been here for a long time - so all is not lost.

    Please let us know how you get on with your Scan next Wednesday and if there is anything I can do for you please let me know.

    Our support line on 0808 808 00 00 (8am to 8pm) is also available to you if you have any questions or need any extra support for your family. I don't know if you are aware but the Community also has these forums (I know Mike on the "New to the Community forum" has given you the link to the secondary bone cancer forum):

     Hodgkin lymphoma forum  and Supporting someone with incurable cancer forum 

    If you just click on the links I have provided above they will take you direct to the forums, and you can join just like you have joined this forum.

    As I said above, please do come back to me if I can do anything else for you.

    Best wishes - Brian.

    Community Champion badge

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    Strength, Courage, Faith, Hope, Defiance, VICTORY.

    I am a Macmillan volunteer.

  • Hi Tomjef,

    I am so sorry to find you here but the community here is very warm and knowledgeable so this is a good step that you found us.

    The diagnosis, especially the incurable one, is such a shock and horror to start with. Its like come from nowhere. One day you are all normal and then BOM you are under the umbrella of cancer. It is happened to us over 8 months ago and the first few weeks are the most difficult ones.  However, as Millibob said this cancer has so many treatments and this is not the end of the road. My husband diagnosed with cancer that spread to the nodes and bones and he is on Hormone therapy and his life is almost normal. There are people here David2017@ who diagnosed over 7 years ago and he is still going strong. 

    After you will meet your oncologists team and have a plan your life will settle into a new normal. I can tell you that our life today are not different than in July 2023. Yes, my husband is a bit more tired from the Hormone treatment but he fight it with a daily swimming and other activities. I hope it is reassure you that although it is not curable it is treatable.

    Please ask any question you want, there will be someone here who will reply.

    Lots of love


  • Hi Tomjef.

    Good evening and welcome to our prostate cancer family I am very sorry to have meet you under these circumstances but "hey ho"

    I am very sorry to hear about your PC Diagnosis and all that you have been through over the past few weeks.

    Sorry to hear that your son has also been effected by this awful condition my heart goes out to you both.

    Yes I went through similar to you just over 12mnts ago now (June 2023). Within weeks I also went from a fairly healthy man to I think you might have PC????

    "Wam bam" scans and biopsy and cancer consultant to be also told that the cancer was Terminal with No Cure!!!!!

    "All doom and gloom"

    Then I was started on HT "injections and tablets" straight away. My PSA dropped from 1000+ to 50 with in weeks. The PSA now stands at 0.9 (June 2024) 

    This is something that we never expected but once you start HT this puts the cancer in to hibernation stopping the testosterone which is the food that the cancer thrives on allowing it to spread around the body.

    I am still sat here today looking and feeling a million dollars so life does go on my friend.

    Prostate Worrier.

  • Hi Tomjef and a warm welcome to the forum from me. I understand what an emotional time this is for you, to be told you have cancer is bad enough, to be told it can't be cured is just an awful place to find yourself. Tomjef this is where I found myself 2 years ago, just like you I went from routine trip to see the doctor and 4 weeks later being told i  was terminal, but it's not the place you think it is, there are many excellent treatments available, many specific to advanced  cancer like ours with multiple follow on options, I am still on plan A with B C and D to follow and who knows what to follow, I am truly sorry and saddened to hear about your son, my eldest daughter was also told 8 weeks ago her cancer had returned after 12 years and was incurable, an indescribable feeling I'm sure you understand, my best wishes to all your family, take care.
