New to it all

  • 21 replies
  • 162 subscribers

Hi,went for a well man yearly checkup,and asked for a psa at the same time,(wish I hadn’t)I’m 62 fit as a fiddle,train 5/6 days out the 7 and have done for years,have no symptoms and yet my psa came back at 14.5 an examination later and I was put on a two week cancer pathway,I’ve had mri,cts an and biopsy just one left bone scan,they say my prostrate is normal size but one side is hard and seems to have a tumor pushing through it,localised advanced t3a,I devastated,just don’t know what to expect or do…?

  • As always, WW comments are comprehensive and perfectly pitched.  Being anxious of the unknown is perfectly normal. I have a PSA, testosterone and full blood test (to check my - hopefully temporarily - depleted lymphocytes and neutrophils count) tomorrow morning and I will nervously await the outcome on my NHS App…
