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Hi,went for a well man yearly checkup,and asked for a psa at the same time,(wish I hadn’t)I’m 62 fit as a fiddle,train 5/6 days out the 7 and have done for years,have no symptoms and yet my psa came back at 14.5 an examination later and I was put on a two week cancer pathway,I’ve had mri,cts an and biopsy just one left bone scan,they say my prostrate is normal size but one side is hard and seems to have a tumor pushing through it,localised advanced t3a,I devastated,just don’t know what to expect or do…?

  • Thankyou so much ,means a lot to hear posertive things.Thumbsup

  • Hi   - now that is EXACTLY the right attitude to take to the fight!  I’m sure you’ll keep us informed on how the operation goes.  For the record, with your low Gleason, age, fitness and overall prognosis of contained cancer, I think you definitely made the right choice.  Good luck Fingers crossed   AW

  • and asked for a psa at the same time,(wish I hadn’t)

      - believe me- you really don’t mean that … you are now safer than the man in the street who has never been tested. If you had found this one or two years from now, it could have been a very different story going forward.  Bless the day you had the initiative to add the PSA test.    AW

  • Before my biopsy I was absolutely fit and fine,and regular as clockwork toilet wise now,I’m loose,have to rush to get there ,not sure what’s happening?

  • You’re loose because you’re worried.  It’s the fight or flight response. Completely understandable.  You’re probably eating less too.  I had both during the diagnostic phase.  This is the worst time and this period will pass.  Keep strong.   AW

  • Oh okay,cheers pal will do .

  • Hello  

    Sorry to read that about your toilet issues. As you have a diagnosis I assume the biopsy was at least 4 weeks ago.

    I agree with  it may well be the worry as side effects from a biopsy don't last that long.

    I know you are awaiting a bone scan - do you have a date for your meeting with the oncologist and the start of a treatment plan yet?

    In the interim if you are still worried have a word with the team at the hospital who did the biopsy or your GP - don't let the issue get you down.

    Best wishes - Brian.

    Community Champion badge

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    Strength, Courage, Faith, Hope, Defiance, VICTORY.

    I am a Macmillan volunteer.

  • Hi there,I only had the biopsy last Thursday,and haven’t got a date yet for a meeting and treatment.

  • Flippin heck - they were quick with the biopsy results - it's usually about 3/4 weeks.

    I will stick with  here then and yes it's the worry and the after effects of the biopsey.

    Best wishes - Brian.

    Community Champion badge

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    Strength, Courage, Faith, Hope, Defiance, VICTORY.

    I am a Macmillan volunteer.

  • Hello Badgerdrift and welcome!  Please don’t regret having the PSA test!! Your cancer has been discovered sooner rather than later with a much better chance of cure!

    yes, we are all in a state of emotional turmoil when we hear the diagnosis - wives and partners too! Cancer is a word that shakes us to the core!

    My husband was diagnosed in Autumn 2022 T3a N0 M0. He was treated with the intention to cure - with radiotherapy and hormone therapy. He finished the hormone therapy in May this year and is going from strength to strength! There are no guarantees, of course, and he will be monitored for 10 years with 6 monthly PSAs. So - the fear of cancer lurks in the shadows but, each and everyone of us could be diagnosed with cancer somewhere in the body at any point in the next 10 years ( statistics are now 1 in 2 people).

    prostate cancer treatment has advanced tremendously over the years! Even if it can’t be cured, it can be held in check for many years. The oncologist told us that now my husband has had the treatment he can expect a normal life expectancy .

    So, my message, in a nutshell, is: don’t despair! You are experiencing a ‘life jolt’ but your emotions will settle in due course. Life does go on and that ‘life jolt’ makes us appreciate LIFE even more! I do hope all goes well for you!