Husband having Radical Prostatectomy next week.

  • 32 replies
  • 162 subscribers

I'm feeling very anxious about the recovery..the more I read these forums the worse I feel even though I know it's for the best. 

  • Good Morning  

    I had an indwelling catheter for 10 months - the need to pee is natural - don't hold back - let it go. (i would sit in the pub with my mates and one evening I was smiling and one mate said to me "Are you peeing?" - well yes - because I can without getting up!!). Joy.

    Just a quick link to this thread which you might find of use in the future:

     Pads and what you need to know 

    If I can do anything else for you, please give me a shout.

    Best wishes - Brian.

    Community Champion badge

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    Strength, Courage, Faith, Hope, Defiance, VICTORY.

    I am a Macmillan volunteer.

  • Hi. I am 12 weeks post op. I am happy to share my experiences but I don't want to ramble on when you may have specific questions. Feel free to ask. I am almost 100% continent now. Prostatectomy is not fun but it's manageable.  I have has a positive outcome , thus far. Feel free to ask . S 

  • Hello  

    Great to hear from you and fantastic news that all is well - I am so pleased for you.

    It's great to have positive posts.

    Best wishes - Brian Thumbsup

    Community Champion badge

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    Strength, Courage, Faith, Hope, Defiance, VICTORY.

    I am a Macmillan volunteer.

  • Hi Brian, I see you're still providing an invaluable service with your usual dollop of good humour. Keep well. I had undetectable PSA post prostatectomy,  so 6 monthly tests is my lot. Good result in my view.  I am aware of another member of our community who also doing very well post op. 

  • My husband is having this surgery when he gets an appt . It would be great to hear about your experience .  Did they put you in hormones while waiting A worried wife 

  • Hi, No I was not put on any other treatment.  I should point out that I live in Ireland and was fortunate in that I have private health  insurance.  Perhaps if you tell me what are your main concerns and I can hopefully relate my experience

  • He’s worried about incontinence issues . That seems to be at present . I’m encouraging him to do the Kegal exercises and just build up his muscle control . Thank you 

  • Have you posted details , like age, stage of disease, Gleason etc? If you have ,Apologies. Tell him to do the pelvic floor exercises conscientiously,but not when catheter is in. Try to keep active pre op. I was fortunate in that I achieved continence quickly but your OH can be equally lucky. You make your own luck sometimes . There are others on here with great advice etc. Don't hesitate to continue  to ask me when questions arise. S 

  • Hi he is 72 but a very fit one as he walks 15 miles a day . He has T3B localised advanced cancer . In his prostrate . left seminal vesicle and fatty tissue outside the prostrate . There is a query about  one left side  lymph node . They offered surgery or HT/ radiotherapy . But also have offered him to do the Prestine Trial only if the lymph node is not cancerous . We are in Scotland and the waiting list for surgery is 8 months but was told he would be moved up a bit due to the mets . So he has opted for the surgery . I’ve been on the case contacting first minister & MSP’s  so watch this space . Thank you so much for your reply 

  • Hi J

    I know that I've replied before to this but something that u have written has concerned me.

    8 month wait for surgery moved up a bit doesn't sound good.

    U need to clarify how long because time not on your side.

    I know you're waiting for a node scan, or I presume you are, any idea when that will be?

    Sorry to sound negative but if in the node (s) u need to get moving on treatment.

    Best wishes 
