Pace nodes trial

  • 11 replies
  • 161 subscribers

Hi All, I have been diagnosed with prostrate cancer at the end of March 24. PSA 6.26, MRI scan revealed prostrate of 35cc with PI RADS 3 intermediate findings. Prostrate biopsy revealed Gleason 4+5 4/5 cores on the left hand side, no positive cores on the right hand side. Bone scan 18 April, results awaited. I have been offered a part in the Pace Nodes clinical trial. 

Has anyone experience of this? Do I have hormone treatment with this if so what side effects? Thanks in advance for any comments 

  • Good Morning  

    Cracking post and I am so pleased for you.  - I wish you well with your future care and for a speedy recovery. Please keep us posted.

    Best wishes - Brian.

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