
  • 4 replies
  • 164 subscribers

Hi all,

I am new here & not really used to sing forums like this.

I'm 63, diagnosed with prostate cancer in September this year - T3a/N1/M0, PSA 55.

I had initial issues with my GP causing me major stress as I'm sure everyone here understands- particularly the doctor giving me the results of the blood test taking less than 3 minutes to tell me my PSA level & saying she is making an urgent 2week referral & then after 2 weeks, I found the urgent referral hadn't been sent. When I contacted the surgery about a week after the blood test results asking to talk to the GP about my concerns about the diagnosis, I couldn't get an appointment before another 8 days, which is when it was discovered the urgent referral had been made.

Since the matter has been in the hands of my local hospital, everything has gone smoothly & I have received a much better level of care & the doctors & nurses have taken the time to explain everything in such a way as to lower my stress levels. I can't say the same for my partner - she thinks every little ache & pain I am getting is a sign the cancer is spreading & I have to convince her otherwise - maybe the really achy legs are down to the 10mile walk I did the day before & nothing sinister, that sort of thing.

I am now on hormone therapy, waiting for radiotherapy next Feb/March time.

At the moment, I don't have any question, but as the time gets closer, I may have - either for my self or to answer my partner's questions.

Thanks for taking the time to read.


  • Welcome to the club that no-one wants to join. Sorry to hear that your GP services haven't been very good but pleased to hear that your local hospital is giving a better standard of care. That seems to be a common pattern - perhaps it's because GPs are overworked and understaffed, as well as not being well-trained in aspects of cancer care. Things have gotten worse since the pandemic started.

    It's also not uncommon for partners to be more worried than patients - it's almost inevitable that they would be. Telling them not to worry doesn't work, but telling them everything that's going on can help.

    Hormone therapy can have weird side effects, including on your mood, so don't be afraid to ask questions on this forum, people here may have had similar experiences.

    Best of luck

    Angus (not my real name)

  • Hi

    I know how you feel about doctors, it took me to move house and a new surgery to find mine, which was to late, as I had many blood taken visits at my other surgery, I could not understand why they did not find the PC, two years later when I moved the PSA was 893 that takes some time to get to that.

    Tried to make a case against them not a chance three firms turned it down.

    Ok off my soap box, I understand about your wife, mine who is my carer to, is terrified about me going upstairs, sometimes she will keep asking am I OK always worrying, so definitely know how she feels just the word sends families in a spin.

    Keep positive sounds like the hospital has your treatment and welfare in hand.

    stay safe


  • Joe and PDF that makes me so angry… same at this end after being ignored for months I had to call a 999 one day because my lovely man was in so much pain… ended up in there for 4 days in an orthopaedic ward where they could not diagnose bone mets!! 
    Ironic or what? 
    anyway onwards and upwards.. we need to be our own medics, learn as much as we can and point them in the right direction! 

  • Hi Pdf, sorry you find yourself on here, I can’t comment here n your treatment as I went down the surgery route, but for your partner, if you can persuade her to join here too, there are a number of ladies on here who have found themselves in the same/ similar position, they may be able to help her understand what you’re going through by letting her know of their own experiences. There are many people on here of either gender who can help you both.

    best regards
