Just diagnosed

  • 7 replies
  • 180 subscribers

Hello, got diagnosed on Monday, low to medium. Then got blood appointment which will be in a couple of weeks.

Bit shocked and worried. Just looking for a bit of advice, or clarity... what’s the deal with low to medium? 

Any advice or guidance really welcome. Cheers 

  • Hi B and welcome

    Do u have any figures to go on ie,  PSA, Gleeson, have u had a MRI?

    Without at least some of this info not sure how they can say low to medium.

    The most important thing really, is any tumour contained within the gland, if it is then a fair bit easier to treat.

    All the best 


  • Welcome!

    Is this 'low to medium' risk?

    How did you come to be diagnosed?

    - - -


    If I can't beat this, I'm going for the draw.

    Meanwhile, my priority is to live while I have the option.

  • Hi

    Welcome to the community, low to medium does not say much as the others have said. But if it is then and it is PC then it could be cured, let us know more when you find out please. Remember PC is very slow to grow so keep positive, time is on your side.

    stay safe


  • FormerMember

    Thanks for replying folks.

    I went for a biopsy in February (after a shadow was spotted on an MRI scan), and the consultant called me last Monday with the results - 3 out of 12 samples tested positive for PC. This is all the info I have at the moment. Am hoping to speak with my GP this week and get a copy of figures/results.

    glad to have found this forum, will update when I get some more info. Thanks 

  • You'll probably need more tests before you get a full answer: a bone scan, possibly a cystoscopy, maybe another MRI, depending what the last one was for. It's all to establish how well contained the PCa is, because that will determine the treatment options.

    Once the testing is complete, the results will be discussed by the multidisciplinary team, then you'll be offered a range of options on the next step.

    - - -


    If I can't beat this, I'm going for the draw.

    Meanwhile, my priority is to live while I have the option.

  • Hi Baldycabs, I was diagnosed with cancer enclosed in prostate with Gleason score 7. Started immediately on hormone treatment, a Prostap jab every 3 months, then 20 radiotherapy treatments. Going very well already halfway through by tomorrow, had no bad side effects so far, only sometimes a bit tired. Hope your treatment will be as easy as mine.


  • hi was confirmed gleeson 9 confined in prostate bone scan clear completed 37 sessions off radiotherapy on decapeptyl every 3 months feeling ok just the wait now a couple off months to see whats next feeling well at the moment little effects with all treatment so far