Why Me?

  • 3 replies
  • 111 subscribers

Does anyone else think? that.An item on BBC Scotland yesterday that 58.000 men are diaganosed with Prostate Cancel every year.They also said there a new way of testing for P.C instead of the normal P.S.A.But will not be available for about five years.


  • Hello Derek ( 

    Until I was sat in hospital wondering why I felt ill, I thought Prostate Cancer was something other people got!!

    58,000 is only the "tip of the iceberg". There are thousands and thousands of men wandering around in ignorance.

    I am very open about my diagnosis, people in my local know I have the cancer, I have the iconic "Man of Men" badge and a Prostate Cancer UK T Shirt (I have a Macmillan one too!). In 3 years 13 people in my local have askd about symptoms etc - 2 have it, 2 are on AS, 1 has something else and the others are fine. Most think it's the "finger up the bum" test that you have for diagnosis and it puts them off talking about it or being tested. Testing is only free for the over 50's and some GP's don't like doing it!!

    Research is progressing in leaps and bounds, you only need to visit Cancer Research UK or Prostate Cancer UK - the delays are in the testing and approval of the treatments.

    Thank you for bringing this point up.

    Best wishes - Brian.

    Community Champion badge

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    I am a Macmillan volunteer.

  • Hello Derek. I think this is the 'spit test' which has been under development for a while and is being rolled out for further trial in the UK. There has been a similar look at whether a urine test could be used in America. Both use genetic analysis which can give information on how aggressive the cancer might be. Anything which makes testing for cancer easier is good but it will take a while for approvals to be gained.


  • Thank both for your replys.I hahe the little man on every coat I go out in.Someone did ask what is was for.Ironically I was in a Hospital at the time getting my Covid jab.Ialso have the Macmillan T shirt which I used to wear at the Gym but the money has to go in another direction now.