
  • 7 replies
  • 116 subscribers

Good morning all, 

some of you will have seen me about for the last 6 to 9 months or so, first asking questions as per my own diagnosis of prostate cancer and then secondly offering others the benefit of my own personal experiences, I've been clear and truthful throughout and offered nothing fluffy or painted over but tried to, on occasions where occasions permit, to add a slice of humour to my journey. But now, I have decided that it is time for me to move on, it has been an honour to know that some of you guys and girls out there have read my "prostate surgery" thread and indeed that is has been provided as a recommended read for some. To that end, I have scooped up the diary thread, cleaned it and placed it into my profile biography, it just makes it easier to find and to read.

So as they say in the movies, I'm out of here, it's been emotional, informational and above all, supportive

A very happy and grateful

I was never ill, I just had cancer!


  • Hello John ( 

    Well, it's been great having you around and the help you have provided to people on a similar journey to yourself has been immense - don't underestimate the the power of a peer to peer group like ours. I have added your profile to my reference bank so thanks again for that.

    I wish you all the best for the future and hope not to see you back here Rofl with any issues (although you are welcome to drop in any time to say hello!).

    Thanks again - Kind Regards - Brian.

    Community Champion badge

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    Strength, Courage, Faith, Hope, Defiance, VICTORY.

    I am a Macmillan volunteer.

  • Best wishes 

    Liz & OH xx

  • John ( I wish you well on your (cancer free) journey.  Your contribution has been really excellent and I am sure you have helped many others in those early scary stages.  Best wishes, David

  • Hi John

    Many thanks for your support. Your response to my earlier blog when I was considering treatment options really resonated with me and helped to cement my choice of surgery.  Had the surgery earlier this week so I am hopeful that I too will be able to say goodbye to the forum for all the best reasons soon.

    Good luck and all the best for the future



  • Hi  - thanks for the name-check and I hope never to hear from you again (and I mean that in the nicest possible way, because if I don’t hear from you it means that you are cured!).  Seriously, though, it’s been hugely informative reading your posts and maybe you won’t resist “lurking” for a while every so often to see how our merry little band of brothers (and sisters of course) are getting on.   Adios Amigo.    AW

  • Hi John (JohnyBoy)

    Thanks for your advice and support when I first joined the forum. I wish you and your loved ones all the very best for the future. 

    Take Care 


  • All the best.  Have a great time and make the most of every minute.