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  • 123 subscribers

Hello Fellow Community Members

As some of you may be aware 2021 was one of the Covid years. It was also the year that Lorraine (Mrs Millibob) and I both had, shall we say "life changing events" with stays in hospital. Once we were both on the mend Lorraine decided we should have a family holiday before any further of the aforementioned "life changing events" came along. So after 18 months planning:

We will be away from Thursday evening 18 July to Monday evening 12 August 2024. Lorraine and I are off to France, along with our 4 adult children, all 4 partners, all 3 grand children (one only 3 weeks old) oh and all 6 family dogs. As you can expect I will be rather busy so I won't be as active on the Community during this period (although I will pop on if I get chance!!).

The Community Team are aware of my holidays and some of the other Community Champions will be watching over "my flock".

I am sure that you will all continue to offer support to both new and current Community members in the very positive way you all do. Our Community is the top rated peer to peer prostate cancer Community - let's keep it that way.  Thank you to each and everyone of you who continue to provide support to people who start out as strangers and end up being great friends.

To quote Arnie "I'll be back".

Best wishes to all.

Brian - (Macmillan Online Community Champion Volunteer).

  • PSA test yesterday. it's my nadir reading (18 months after RT).

    0.29 - down from 0.33 - 6 months ago

    Great news Brian.

    Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery and today is a gift.
    (See my profile for more)
  • Oh Brian we missed you! Ass kinking competition..

  • Hi  - I’ve been waiting for this reading since you mentioned you had the test due.  This is such good news - a continuous, sustained drop in PSA.  I’m sure everyone in our gang are absolutely delighted for you (and themselves, as you are such a great champion).    AW

  • Welcome home Brian, don't need to ask about the holiday as family holidays are the best, and good to hear your PSA is still heading in the right direction 0.29 sounds good to me and I would just like to thank Granny59 for standing in for you, she was nice. Eddie 

  • I would just like to thank Granny59 for standing in for you, she was nice. Eddie 

    I have passed your message on to Gail ( and will thank her for looking after the flock when I see her next week.

    Great family holiday and I am happy with the PSA result too.

    I didn't realise how much I needed that break.

    Best wishes - Brian.

    Community Champion badge

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    Strength, Courage, Faith, Hope, Defiance, VICTORY.

    I am a Macmillan volunteer.

  • Great news about the further reduction in your PSA & weight loss whilst on holiday.  If the NHS ever do a trial around the effects on PSA of wine, beer, cheese & holidays I would definitely be interested.AirplaneCheeseWine glass

  • Excellent PSA ! Also the only person to go on holiday and lose weight I think? 


  • Hi Brian, thank you for letting Gail know, we have bumped into each other once or twice. Everyone needs a break and I'm happy to hear yours has been so good for you, doubt I could manage 3 weeks so lots of weekends and short breaks do for us 


  • Just hijacking this post with a positive picture for everyone facing treatment.  Mr BW walking through hills in the Lake District ( yesterday)  This time last year he could barely walk a mile after his full pelvic RT, now he’s back on track. Fitting in a few naps where needed but very much sticking two fingers up to PC. 

  • Wow!!  That's the type of post we need - a positive story.

    It's great to know he's doing well and that shows with the right treatment, a positive attitude and support from the family what you can achieve.

    It's a BIG WELL DONE from me.

    Best wishes - Brian.

    Community Champion badge

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    Strength, Courage, Faith, Hope, Defiance, VICTORY.

    I am a Macmillan volunteer.