• 4 replies
  • 110 subscribers

Morning all.

As the Nurse has pushed back my 4 months Call,,, ( eg how are you and the PSA chat.) by  2 months do you think I should pop in a extre PSA check with my doctor.

As the PSA is creeping up slowly.


  • Hi Les, personally I wouldn’t want to go 6 months without knowing.  Was the last PSA in July? If so it will be 8 months, so I would chat to the Dr.

    Best wishes,  David

  • Hi Les,

    Yes, I would go to your GP and ask for a PSA blood check where you will know the result in 24 hours. I actually wanted to suggest it to you few days ago. I would say go for it. My husband PSA was every 6 months before the cancer attack. If we have checked every 3 months we may caught it before it spread to the bones.

    Best wishes


  • Hi Les.

    I agree with David and Dafna. It is over 6 months since your last test so for your own peace of mind I would ask for a blood test. Your readings are showing a gradual rise but you are still well below the threshold of 10 before additional checks would normally be made. Keep on them as well to make sure that you have the MRI when scheduled.

    All the best. You are very much in our thoughts.

  • Thank you everybody.

    On the phone now