Fluctuating PSA ?

  • 2 replies
  • 110 subscribers

I'll condense this thread to avoid boredom setting in

Was advised by family member to get my PSA checked back in October. The reading came back as 3.4 so DRE was advised. This revealed an enlarged Prostate and a MRI scan was arranged for late November. Attended Urologist for results in Mid December during which time I had blood tested again . . PSA had risen to 3.9 in a very short period of time - a bit deflated. However the Urologist informed me that the scan was "very reassuring" and that no cancer had been detected. Excellent news for Xmas. A telephone consultation was arranged for mid January so I get my PSA tested again for this chat and it has dropped to 3.2 . . . Is this common ? Does anyone on the forum have experience of fluctuating PSA results ? I'm not complaining about the fact it has went down just a bit bemused.

Unfortunately I couldn't discuss with my  Urologist as he was off sick ( doctors off sick ? ? How inconsiderate  Slight smile ). Telephone appointment arranged for Early March . . I hope.

  • Hello  

    Your PSA can go up and down depending on your activity in the previous 48 hours so before your test it's best not to have ejaculated in that period nor to have exercised vigorously.

    Each testing laboratory can produce different results so your team should ensure the blood is always sent to the same one.

    If you have a UTI at the time of the test this is known to affect it, so are some medications including drugs (and dare I say it some drugs you should not be taking!)

    3.4 to 3.9 to 3.2 is very much a low fluctuation so in my view (and I have been wrong before) nothing to worry about.

    Best wishes - Brian.

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  • Hello Mac3.

    Brian has summed things up very well. I have attached a link which indicates that there can be a large variation in PSA readings, particularly in men who do NOT have prostate cancer. Others things which can affect it is having a DRE as well as vaccinations and other infections besides a UTI.
