Note to self - Check which Hospital your appointment is with

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Ok - my original consultation had been at the Alexandra Hospital in Redditch, A really nice modern place.

I then got my appointment for my prostate biopsy on the 12 December 2023. So on the 12th day of Christmas the NHS gave to me, a Transrectal Prostate Biopsy. Like I read on another post, Christmas Music will never quite be the same. Rofl

I had read the information leaflet with horror and really was winding myself up over this, it sounded like a torture procedure from the Middle Ages,  I really really really wasn't looking forward to it.

The hospital rang me up and said there was a cancellation and could I attend an hour earlier, I readily agreed to this.

So my wife and I duly presented ourselves to the Alexandra Hospital in Redditch bang on time. I realised something wasn't quite right when she seemed to be having trouble finding my name on the computor. She asked for my letter and then told me.

"You're at the wrong Hospital, you should be at Kidderminster" . At this point apart from almost dropping to the floor, I immediately thought if I miss this appointment, how long will I have to wait for the next one, and also about wasting precious NHS time.

Trying not to show how embarrassed I was, I asked how long it would take to drive to Kidderminster, she said 45 minutes!!!!  I asked them to ring ahead and tell them I was on my way.

I made it from the Urology Department in Redditch to the Theatre Admissions in Kidderminster in 30 minutes!!! including circling the car park twice trying to find a space. I'm still checking the post for speeding tickets.

After racing up to the Admissions, we found out that they had not informed the Doctor that my appointment was brought forward an hour, so we were 30 minutes early!!! 

Jeez, what a day!  I told the admitting nurse how anxious I was about the procedure and she told me not to worry. The attending nurse was great, she saw my Harley Davidson tattoo and was an ex biker herself, so we had a great conversion going about bikes. 

After the procedure, on leaving I saw the admitting nurse and she asked me how went. "Not nearly as bad as I thought" I told her. "What did I say" she said.

So the moral of this story is to - slow down - chill out - and always read the appointment letter carefully. 

  • I'm sure we have all done something similar.  My wife who is always at least quarter of an hour early for most things and gets very het up if running late was once ironing quite happily at home and said right I'm going to change and go to my Doc's appt now.    She was an hour late.  Rang and apologised and took in a tin of biccies next time!  I 've gone to an appointment I never had and waited 2 hours for it and when the consultant saw me he said what are you doing here!  At the same time the NHS has done the same to me and written me a couple of times to say I had missed an appt they had not actually notified either myself or my GP about.  Those letters sound quite threatening too!  Think they are going to start deporting us to Rwanda in future!  I have also telephoned and cancelled an appointment noted the name of the person I was talking to and then got one of those letters to say I hadn't turned up for my appointment. 

    Its all done now and you are back to waiting for results - the very worst part of all this journey.

    All the best!

  • Hello Psticks did exactly the same as you 6 years ago, I have an MRI every year, sometimes twice a year for my heart, "I know this is a cancer forum and i also have cancer", anyway i had been going to the same hospital for over 30 years so only ever looked at date and time on appointment letter, so set off in plenty of time as hospital is a hour away with hospital parking so always gave myself 2 hours, handed over appointment letter to receptionist and as soon as she opened it told me i was at the wrong hospital, as i knew her i thought she was pulling my leg, but no, in extra large print at the top of the letter and how i did not see it i don't know the name of the other hospital. Like you Psticks i had to drive very carefully through the city and made my appointment. 
