PSA & MRI Results

  • 18 replies
  • 112 subscribers

Hello all,

Two weeks ago I (41 years old) received news that my PSA levels were elevated (18). An hr before I was gave blood, I had sex AND I worked out that morning. I wasn’t told I was taking a PSA Test. How much do you think those items affected the results of my PSA. 

Fast forward I had an Prostae MRI scan w/ contrast & found one 6mm PI-RAD 4. They recommended a biopsy. 

What do you all think?

  • Good morning Brett.

    A very warm welcome. Just a very quick response to say that having sex and doing vigorous exercise before a PSA test can raise it. With a PIRAD 4 score this issues warning signs that there is a higher possibility of prostate cancer but it can also be a negative result. At 6mm you are on the cusp of clinical probability hence the advice to have a biopsy. Please note that none of us are clinically trained.

    I know it is worrying but you are young and if it does turn out to be cancer you have caught it early and have every likelihood of a cure. Please come back with any questions. Try and put it out of your mind for today and enjoy yourself. Best wishes.

  • Thank you for the warm welcome. I appreciate the advice as I have been on edge for the better of the last month. Will I be able to work with treatment if that is the case? I am the provider & I have to work. 

  • You are jumping ahead of yourself at the moment. Treatment would be tailored and may range from Active Surveillance (just regular PSA tests), to radiotherapy, Brachytherapy or prostate removal. Treatment would be guided by your feelings and you would have to make choices. Most people manage to work through whilst they have treatment and your employer should help to adjust hours if you need daily radiotherapy. There are new protocols coming in now which have reduced treatment times as well as different treatments like Brachytherapy Boost which are minimally invasive but just as effective as prostatectomy. Once you have the results of your biopsy then you will be in a better position to know what the next step is. Please be prepared to lose your dignity but they have seen it all before - ask for a transperineal biopsy if you can get it as there is less chance of secondary infection. 

  • Thank you. I am receiving the guided biopsy that will target the lesion. I’m guessing that’s the same? I was contemplating getting a second opinion before having the biopsy which is already scheduled for January 5th, but I’m scared that I do not have the time. 

  • Better to know what you are dealing with in my opinion. For prostate surgery you would need time off work I forgot to say.

  • Good Morning  A warm welcome to the online Community.

    I am 100% in agreement with  here,  you are young, fit and should any cancer be detected you have a great chance of a full recovery.

    Regarding work - I have not stopped in 2 years of treatment including Radiotherapy and a TURP operation so - I know it's easy for me to say - put things to the back of your mind and enjoy Christmas.

    I wish you well but as a Community we are here for you so ask away - no questions are too trivial and you will get answers from people who have "been there".

    Best wishes and Merry Christmas - Brian.

    Community Champion badge

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    Strength, Courage, Faith, Hope, Defiance, VICTORY.

    I am a Macmillan volunteer.

  • Hi Brett

    I wouldn't bother with a second opinion at this stage, wait for the biopsy.

    Probably unlikely having sex before a PSA would raise it to 18.

    If MRI shows a 6mm tumour it probably is cancer but not 100%

    Good thing is it's probably contained within the gland and therefore easily treatable.

    I would push for someone to do another PSA test just to make sure the 18 was right, a GP can sort that one.

    Hope all goes  ok and keep us posted

    Best wishes


  • Thank you. Quick question. Is PSA tests in the U.S. different from the UK? Meaning is a PSA 7 in the U.S. different from a PSA 7 in the UK?

  • .Hello Brett.

    I hope you are having a good Christmas.

    That is a new question and brings out my scientific training. In the US the PSA is usually written as ng/ml whereas in the UK it's written as ug/L. There are 1000 ng in a ug, and 1000ml in a litre. In other words they are equivalent in actual numerical value.

  • Thank you & Merry Christmas. Ok, so an 18 in the US is the same as an 18 in the UK? I’m in the U.S.