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  • 110 subscribers

Hi everyone,

I am posting this hoping that someone may share their experience with me, in the event that they have unfortunately had the experience of an infection.

I was so happy posting my last post to everyone about how dramatically my husband's PSA levels had dramatically dropped from 1,600 to 4 in such a short period of time but now he has an infection. He is on Triplet Therapy & has 2 out of his 6 drips but on Sunday he started shivering, which we know can beca side effect & also coughing & in the early hours of yesterday morning, he brought up a little phelm. I rang his cancer nurse, who advised us to contact his GP, we got an appointment for 3p.m yesterday & he has now started on an antibiotic for a week. I am just very concerned about it, I am constantly doing his temperature, it has dropped this morning to 36.4 from a one off 37.9 at 11p.m yesterday, which was starting to concern me. His GP said his oxygen levels were good & no signs of anything to be concerned about but I still can't help worrying & just hoping & praying that he will recover from this. Maybe I am being too sensitive & worrying too much, can anyone advise me if they went through the same please. Any similar stories would be very much appreciated.

Thank you very everyone..... Baileybella 

  • Hello Baileybella.

    I am so sorry to hear that your husband has picked up an infection and hopefully the antibiotics will knock it on the head. If your husband starts feeling unwell or the temperature spikes again, particularly with the shivering, then seek urgent medical attention. With luck the antibiotics should alleviate the symptoms in a couple of days. As another thought have you done a recent rapid COVID test? If positive then your husband should be eligible for antivirals.

    My husband remained infection free during chemotherapy but am sure that if anyone has had a problem in the past then they will be back to you with their experiences.

    I wish your husband a speedy recovery.

  • Other things to remember is that the body temperature can go up during a hot flush by as much as 2 - 3 degrees. Also since being on chemotherapy my husband has had a problem with a runny nose, phlegm and a little cough. His oncologist says this is due to the mucous membranes being stimulated as the chemo kills off the fast growing cells.

    It can be very confusing but during chemotherapy always err on the side of caution. You can never be over sensitive and no you are not worrying too much.

    Please let us know how he gets on.

  • Thank you Always hope

    He is feeling better today, no shivering, muscle pain & cramping in his hands & feet have stopped & his temperature at 4p.m today was back at 37. He also went out walking 3 times today, which he definitely could not have done yesterday. He said that he feels he has more energy today too. He had his flu jab on Thursday & now debating whether or not to take the covid jab.

    Thank you so much for your reply


  • Hello Baileybella.

    I am so pleased that your husband is feeling better. Before having any vaccinations check with your doctor. We happened to see our doctor today for repeat prescriptions and she said not to have either the flu or COVID boosters until 4 weeks after the last chemo infusion. This repeated the advice of the oncologist when I asked his advice after the second cycle. Others on this forum have been given different advice by their medical professionals.

  • So pleased your husband is feeling alot better 

  • Oh dear Alwayshope

    When we asked our oncologist the day before the flu jab he said it was ok to get both, without giving us a timeline Worried