is it right?

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  • 112 subscribers

my hero dad is finally losing the fight and has a day or two left. wierdly its not the cancer thats beaten him. he treated cancer like the coward that it is. he got pneumonia about a month ago and went down hill from there. on friday he was bedbound and assessed and fasttracked. given four care visits a day and saturday given a night carer to stay overnight which has been changed to a nurse so anticipatory meds can be given straight away if needed. he has fluid on the lung with infection and infection in the bladder. saturday he could about talk but today hes largely unresponsive but does acnolage you. he cannot eat or drink without choking so is not getting any fluid. i understand that morphene cannot be given unless needed but i wish it could be so he at least wouldnt be aware and be out of pain when the time comes. I AM NOT TALKING ABOUT MERCY KILLING BUT RATHER NUMBING HIS MIND TO WHATS HAPPENING. my issue is that hes having to spend his final time without any strong meds but we wouldnt do that to an animal. 

i cannot fault the carers and the nurse from the hospice. theyve been a godsend and supportive and understanding 

  • I am so sorry your dad is in this situation. It is fortunate that he has you there in his final hours. Please try to trust the nurse and carers with administering the meds. Their experience will allow them to make the best decisions for your dad.

    Many of us on this forum have lost our parents and understand what you are going through. You and your dad are in our thoughts. 

  • We wrap our arms around you and your Dad. xx

  • Hello Neil’s, I’m so sorry to hear how very poorly your Dad is and your concern for him in his last hours is so very obvious. These are difficult hours because part of you wants to keep him for ever and not let go. The other part of you can’t bear to see him suffering and want : him to be at peace. Doctors and nurses are taught how and when to give the necessary drugs to keep patients as comfortable as possible at the end of life. Sometimes it’s harder for those who love so very much but have to stand and watch. 

    my thoughts are with you. It’s a tough time. I still recall vividly watching my lovely Dad die but I still feel so privileged to have been there with him at the end - and that was 22 years ago. 

  • So sorry to hear this.  Thinking of you and your Dad as you go through this.  It is a very hard time.  I watched my Mum and Dad leave this world just over 10 years ago now.  Bless you all at this awful time.

  • Hello  

    Welcome to our little group - and I am so sorry to find you here under there circumstances.

    It's very hard to be there at this sad time with your dad and as you say he's your hero - he will know you are there for him and you are doing everything you can for him. I understand just where you are with this and my thoughts are with you both at this sad time.

    Feel free to keep is posted - we are all here for you.


    Community Champion badge

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    Strength, Courage, Faith, Hope, Defiance, VICTORY.

    I am a Macmillan volunteer.

  • thanks for all the kind comments. sadly he passed away on wednesday lunchtime. (had to last longer than anyone expected lol) unfautunatly we now have to wait for the coroner to issue the death certificate as his gp hadnt seen him for more than 14 days. 

    there will be a major complaint going in about the gp as they are completely useless and incompitent. after a month we still couldnt get his respect form from them. luckilly the district nurse sorted one out but we didnt know that as we had power of atturney we didnt have to worry. 

    weve given tubs of sweets to the carers and nurses thanking them for everything. coop collected them and were so respectful, even bowing to him when they closed the van doors which is still making me tear up. 

    its hard and im so lucky to have had my wife and daughter to help. coop have contacted us and given infomation on thiere support departments that are totally free which is great. 

  • Can I offer my thoughts and prayers to you and your family at this very difficult time.



  • Hello  

    I am so sorry to hear about your dad at this sad time - my thoughts go out out to you and your family - I am so sorry and feel for you at this difficult time.

    We are all here for you in this time of need and if I can do anything for you in terms of additional support please don't hesitate to contact me. Two places where you may find some additional help are:

    * The Bereaved family and friends forum where you will find help and support and

    * Our own support line where there are some fantastic people ready to support you 8am to 8pm 7 days a week on 0808 808 00 00.

    Feel free to contact me at any time.

    Sincere condolences - Brian.

    Community Champion badge

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    Strength, Courage, Faith, Hope, Defiance, VICTORY.

    I am a Macmillan volunteer.

  • sending condulences

  • Hello Neil, I am so very sorry to hear of your loss . It is a sad and difficult time for you all as you work through so many different emotions associated with bereavement. I hope the necessary paperwork all goes smoothly from now on.
