A Little Tale about how my Prostate cancer was Diagnosed

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Hello Everyone

Yesterday I mentioned that I am having troubles withstanding the Hormone Therapy due to Cirrhosis (I havn't drank since July 2021)

On July 14th 2021 I was admitted to hospital as I was unable to Pee - Fast Forward to August 22nd I was discharged after 40  (40 Days) - I had every scan under the Sun from X-Ray to Nuclear Isotope all came back clear even the Physical Examination.

In December of that year I saw an experienced urology Consultant who examined me and said he had "Grave Concerns" about the Right Side of my Prostate - Another round of Scans back to his Clinic

He Pointed at the Screen and said I had Stage 4 Prostate Cancer with enlarged Localised Lymph Nodes (3 times too big) also an Abnormality at the Sigmoid Junction of the back passage and a Thickening of the Bowel Lining.

I mentioned the Scans in the Summer and he went to another Page on his Screen where my end of July CTScan was already loaded - this time he said and put it in writing "that with Hindsight the Abnormal prostate and Enlarged Lymph Nodes are Visible"

I have no idea what options I would have had if it had been seen 5 months earlier - However then I only had Hormone Therapy or a Bilateral orchidectomy as they couldn't touch the prostate it was just a Dense Tumour

I will keep saying/writing this until I die

As I wasn't after Money I went down the Ombudsman Route - I wanted the Radiographer mentored at the very least and the Junior Urology Doctor who examined me retrained.

Long Story short the Hospital sent me 6months late copies of everything I had eaten been prescribed etc during my 40 day stay it was an enormous many thousand page Bundle perfect for hiding the truth - the Ombudsmans "PET" Radiographer said that the abnormal prostate Scan would be like looking for a Needle in a Haystack - However as there are only 6 things in a Mans Abdomen and my Lymph Nodes were 30mm instead of 10mm - that was  just Hurtful and demeaning

Everything I've written here is Honest and Correct there should not be any reason that this Post should be removed.

OK - So now I have a  Degarelix Injection whenever my PSA rises - Worth noticing that after I had the initial recommended 240ml Dose of it my PSA and Testosterone remained negligible for a year - so Hormone Holidays could be taken more often 

atm I am pestering my Urology Consultant to look into Hormone Patches and Creams which can be applied to the inner Thigh - directly entering the Bloodstream before the Liver - However he is obviously a busy Gent.

I would also love a Ballpark Figure for how long I have to Live - Should I plant Bulbs in my Garden for Spring - Should I get better long wearing Carpets for the Bungie - I opted to die at home and whenever I walk into my Bedroom I am aware that it will be there that I will be Bedridden  - I asked the Medical Staff on here but havn't received any reply - Not sure if that is what I should have done :(

  • Hello

    Thats a bit of a story, mine slightly different, before they found my cancer, I was with another doctors, let’s say I had lots of different blood tests taken, but not PSA, when I found this out I comforted them and they said I could take it up with the nhs, I got all my doctors notes cost me twenty five pounds and sent them to three solicitors who deal with this thing, each one rejected it. I gave up trying.

    Why have you not been offered chemotherapy or radiotherapy? Hormone is good but these are the main fighters to reduce everthing.

    Stay safe


  • Hello Joe

    They wont go anywhere near to the prostate now as it would spray the Tumour even quicker than my Lymph Nodes are doing

    When I looked into it directly after my Diagnosis I saw many treatments available if caught soon enough including Steam downwards to the Prostate or even have the prostate Removed - I think the state of my Liver may have affected how Chemo or radiotherapy worked as I have Varicous Veins in my Stomach Lining and Oespharagus which need to be left alone

    Thanks for the input

    Best wishes