Driving whilst having radiotherapy

  • 18 replies
  • 113 subscribers

I wonder whether you have felt well enough to drive yourselves for treatment whilst having your fractions?  Ted begins 20 daily sessions 3 days after I have my TKR (I will be unable to drive for a while)!  His hospital is 32 miles (52 mins.) away, over the mountains.

  • Yes, Def, I drove for a living at that time so 7.30 am appointment then off to work , driving 

    Good luck


  • Well done!!  Thanks for your swift reply - that's very reassuring.  (Just got to find a parking space now! ha!)  How long did your fraction appointments take each time?

  • from memory I think about 1 hour, perhaps an appointment later in the day may include a slightly longer wait.

    they had about 4 machines so myself and 3 others  were the first to be done that day

  • Whilst on the subject of driving can anyone advise re car insurance. Husband newly diagnosed with advanced PCa currently on H/T injections and will be starting apalutumide soon. Our car insurance is due for renewal and am guessing once we tell the insurers his diagnosis they will increase the premium anyone have experience of this? He has no side effects at the mo and feels perfectly able to drive as normal.

  • I never told them, don't think u have to unless you're getting side effects like drowsiness but then if u are  just don't drive under those circumstances 

  • Thanks for your reply they do ask if any of the drivers have any medical conditions Ive checked the DVLA site  it  looks like you dont need to tell them but am betting the Insurers use it as a way of hiking the cost. Not the most important thing to be worrying about but just feel the diagnosis has impacted on so many aspects of our life and is such a lot to deal with trying to take it all in.

  • Yes I think if not on the DVLA  list you're ok.

    If concerned u could mention it just to be sure but bear in mind that having cancer doesn't really affect the way  u drive unlike heart issues and sight issues.

  • Hi Sned

    I agree with the others. My trips were 45 mins each way on a bad day - only 6 miles would you believe - and I had no problems. Fatigue is the big issue with RT, but it didn't affect my driving ability. He will be fine.



    Trying to get fit again!
  • Wow - on the Snail Trail?  How frustrating, 6 miles in 45 minutes.  That'll be Wales in built up areas come September, when 30mph speed limits become 20!!  Many thanks for your reply.

  • Hi Sned

    Where I live is one of the top 10 most congested areas in the country, according to reports published in the press. I have to say, I find it hard to believe, but stats can't lie - or can they??????



    Trying to get fit again!