PSA test

  • 10 replies
  • 112 subscribers

I have been having regular PSA tests since radical robotic prostectomy  surgery. I last spoke to the hospital Urology Dept Jan this year. The specialist nurse explained the results were good and asked me to arrange a further PSA test in May when they would contact me again. I have had the test in May but as yet no call from Urology. I realise they are under pressure but it seems to me I have to chase them up quite often. Looks like another attempt required to get the information from Urology. I believe the May results are acceptable but only found this out whilst been reviewed on another health issue. Are other people experiencing the need to chase up results despite promises from Urology Departments to call us back?

  • Nothing annoys me more than someone saying they will  ring back and they don't. Initially I found I was constantly on the phone trying to chase up a date for a pet scan. A little mention of the word "pals" soon got things moving though.

  • Hi Cuthbert

    Sorry to hear of your issues.

    If you live in England, get the NHS app and ask for full access to your medical records. I have this now - after plenty of requests for "full" access and I see my test results as soon as the GP/ Hospital does.

    I hope this helps.

    Kind Regards - Brian.

    Community Champion badge

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    Strength, Courage, Faith, Hope, Defiance, VICTORY.

    I am a Macmillan volunteer.

  • Hello Millibob,

    I have accessed my NHS online record following you suggestion. The PSA test shows 0.04 which is as previously shown on earlier tests which is positive. I do get reassurance when speaking directly to the Urology team and therefore miss there promised call back. My diagnosis and surgery all took place during the Covid emergency therefore many of my appointments, tests and treatments left me without family support.(telephone consultations). However tests and treatment happened at a quick pace and I think the staff for there help.( slight blip at the diagnosis stage as I caught Covid which delayed things a little} I continue to do pelvic floor exercises and this must have helped but can still have random leakage. However overall I can manage these issues and look forward to a longer life now the cancer is being watched. Thanks for your advice.

    Best wishes


    PS I think I will telephone Urology just for best advice.

  • Hello Cuthbert

    This PC is some journey for us all. If you haven't been on it you have no idea of the stress, worry, anxiety and general unease waiting for tests, results appointments etc. I am pleased to see you are doing well, long may it continue.

    Unlike you - I have gone down the HT/RT route - still on HT but all is well.  I didn't fancy surgery but as my urologist was unable to decide if the little buggers had left the gland I didn't get a choice!!

    My next PSA test is Monday but I think all will be well!

    You take care and best wishes for the future.

    Kind Regards


    Community Champion badge

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    Strength, Courage, Faith, Hope, Defiance, VICTORY.

    I am a Macmillan volunteer.

  • Best wishes for a positive PSA test on Monday. 

  • Fingers crossed Fingers crossed for a good PSA result next week Brian.



  • You could ask your GP to access the Hospital computer to look at your notes, unless he/she is concerned about 'treading on your Urologist's toes'.

  • Should have said 'treading on your Urologist's toes'!!

  • Tele the Urology Dept today and left a message. They did call back later in the day with my results and apologised for the delay as they are very busy. The results were good PSA 0.04 which is acceptably low thank goodness. A further PSA test in November required. Thanks for your response.

  • That's a great result, now you can relax and enjoy life until the next test 

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