Nighttime pee!

  • 3 replies
  • 111 subscribers

Evening all. I’m 7 months down from RT finishing with 3b/possibly 4 prostate cancer (they still haven’t decided). It’s escaped but they still look. 
so I actually feel ok, I get tired quickly, fatigue restricts what I can do. Full blown ED, still think about it but body isn’t willing! I’m on Zoladex 3 monthly implants, another 2 yes to go. 
As I said, I’m feeling good, I walk and we are heading out on a 4 week tour (Motorhome so we can stop if I’m stuffed) of Italy in a few days. But I’m still needing to pee up to 4 times a night. It wasn’t so frequent a few months back, the urgency has returned too. 
My question is to those who experienced this, is this normal? I’m on Tamsulosin to help but as I say, it’s stubbornly hanging around. Is this normal? I was hoping after the RT it would get better. 

  • Hi malnk.

    I'm on Tamsulosin too but that is used to relax the bladder and therefore makes it easier to pee. I would have a word with your nurse specialist or GP as you may need to stop taking them. They may give you something else to stop you going so often but remember, "it's good to pee".

    Hope this helps



  • Hi malnk

    I know just where you are coming from - I am 6 months post RT - and just on one 6 monthly Decapeptyl injection (only 2 more to go!!!).

    Like you I feel amazing, I am back to doing what I did pre diagnosis (apart from the ED - like you the mind's there but the old man isn't co-operating!Grimacing. Even the fatigue has gone. My only issue is weight gain - but I think it's sorted.

    I still do get up 2/3 times in the night for a wee - it's slowly getting better and I don't have the urgency at the moment, I am lucky I just wake up , go to the toilet and go back to sleep, as I said it is getting better.

    Enjoy the holiday - like most people on here you deserve it - don't forget my stick of rock.

    Best wishes


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  • Hi  

    Have you tried adjusting your fluid intake? After RT I was also up several times a night and asked my GP practice nurse for advice. She suggested no alcohol or caffeine and to drink nothing after 6pm. It's over four years since I finished RT and I still don't touch alcohol at all but do have coffee in the morning only. Otherwise I drink Redbush tea which is caffeine free.

    You need to drink 2 litres each day but try changing the routine so that you drink a lot in the morning, a little in the afternoon and nothing in the evening. It works for me.

    I hope you find an answer that works for you.

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