Salvage radiotherapy after posrate removal

  • 5 replies
  • 112 subscribers

Hi had posrate removed 2 year ago and now pas has gone to 0.16 going to have salvage radiotherapy has anybody had this before and what symptoms did the have

  • Hi Alfred, I had salvage radiotherapy, no symptoms as such just a raised PSA. See my profile for more information. Hope all goes well for you. 


  • Hi Alfred. Could you advise what tests you have had to enable a decision to procede with salvage radiotherapy with a pSA of 0.16 ? I have a PSA of 0.1. My consultant advised the next step would be a CAT scan but this couldn't be carried out until the reading increased to 0.4. Thanks

  • Hi had my posrate out psa after was 0.005 for a year then it started to increase slowly and is now 0.16 had a pet scan and MRI scan which showed nothing so iam have 6 months of hormone therapy and then radiotherapy to the posrate bed hope that helps you .

  • Thanks Alfred. I wish you well with the treatment.

  • Hi Alfred had my prostate removed in 2020 after diagnosed with Gleason 8 prostate cancer with no spread , 12 months later PSA started to climb but slowly, put back on Hormone Therapy and 33 sessions of Radiotherapy 3 months later to the Pelvic area. I am nearly 2 years down the road with a negligible PSA and just had my last 3 monthly hormone injection keep positive and your treatment goes well.