
  • 22 replies
  • 118 subscribers

Last radiotherapy session over and done with. Bell rung! Now going out for a meal to celebrate and then home to arrange the beautiful flowers presented to us by daughter and grandchildren! 

I started this journey with tears, have shed buckets of them all along the way and finished his radiotherapy with tears!  Why change a new found habit!!!

love and thanks to all those who have supported us this far! X

  • WW I hope those were happy tears Two hearts I am delighted to hear that you and your husband have overcome that hurdle and can enjoy happier times which will surely come your way. Sending hugs and best wishes for the future. 


  • Good news WW,   Fingers crossed, everything ok now.


  • Happy days and well done -I hope it's all good to go from this point - I know it only appears to be yesterday when your better half joined the tattoo club!!

    Enjoy the meal - not too many donuts!!

    Best wishes to you both - Brian.

    Community Champion badge

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    I am a Macmillan volunteer.

  • They were happy tears and tears of relief to have got through the last 4 weeks!  Thank you so much for your beautiful words

  • Thanks Brian - just got back from the celebratory lunch with a big bouquet of flowers Slight smile

  • Thank you, Steve. I don’t think I could have got through this without so many kind and supportive people in this forum. Now we move to more PSA surveillance!

  • Yes, I suppose the one remaining hurdle all of us who have been through treatment think about 

    All u can do is try and forget about it, which u can most of the time except when PSA due, perhaps a small price to pay.

    Good luck 


  • Great news WW. Tears can be a welcome release too. I'm getting on for two years since my last Prostap injection and I still find I'm welling up at the slightest provocation.

    Sleep well tonight and start your new life first thing tomorrow morning. Your OH might need a few slow days with afternoon naps but he'll but raring to go very soon.

    Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery and today is a gift.
    (See my profile for more)
  • Fantastic news WW, I think we joined the forum at the same time. Hopefully you can both relax a bit now.

    Very best wishes to you both.  

  • I think we both need a few quiet days. We’re both shattered tonight!  But it feels sort of weird! As Grundo says - the one remaining hurdle which I guess we all have to learn to live with. That said, thinking about it, we’ve been living with it for a long while with regular PSA tests etc. for many years.