Controlling my pee

  • 3 replies
  • 109 subscribers

Hi all,

I am one month from having robotic prostatectomy and have no control over my pee when walking. I have no problems when I sit or sleep and can get to the toilet ok. I am doing my exercises and wondered if anyone has been the same and when it improved.



  • That is weird - not heard anyone else with this but am sure someone will come along soon who has experienced this with better advice from their experience. 

    A month is not that long after the operation have you checked with a physio that you are doing the exercises correctly?  It still seems weird that you are fine laying down and sitting but not walking. 

    Are you able to get incontinence pads from your NHS?  Check with the Continence nurse at your hospital if you haven't already.  I was able to get them at both my surgeries when I needed them so it is worth checking as buying them all the time can be expensive.

    As I said I have no experience so hopefully someone will be along soon with some better help and tips for you.

  • Thank you for your advice, appreciated 

  • Hi Steve

    I have exactly the same. When sitting or laying down I do not leak. As soon as I do any form of physical activity I leak although not very much. 
    I had my operation in April this year, at first I leaked quite badly now it’s much better. At first it stopped me from doing most activities now I am back to walking although I do leak it’s not very much. I get my pads from the district nurse. 

    regards Jan