Travel insurance

  • 13 replies
  • 113 subscribers

Has anyone any pointers for getting travel insurance as these comparison sites are so expensive 

  • Hi Mack, I used good to go insurance for our upcoming holiday to tenerife on December 21st, got it for £530 in the end. Tried a number of different companies but as I'm stage 4 it's very costly and a rip off but definitely need insurance as I was told they will link everything back to my cancer if I choose to exclude it



    "Diagnosed March 2021 at 38 years old with stage 4 metastatic prostate cancer, my journey so far is on my profile"

  • Many will advise you to phone and negotiate, rather than use a price comparison site, but as @Paul82 has found, that also opens you up to hard sell, threats and lies. Not all insurance sales people are on your side, they want your money.

    Always risk-assess - if your cancer is fairly low grade and in remission, for example, then it may be very easy to exclude the cancer: but while the risk may be small, it is not zero.

    If you were, for example, stage four, then clearly you'd be wise to get decent cover. Paul's contact may be right, that they will TRY to link anything back to the cancer if you exclude it. But that doesn't mean they'll succeed. It depends on what (if anything) happens.  It's all part of the hard sell, and they are on commission, and it's usually percentage.

    Always shop around. Use comparison sites, then phone the ones that look best. On the other hand, if one is so cheap it looks too good to be true, chances are you'd be wasting a telephone call.

    Good Luck!

    - - -


    If I can't beat this, I'm going for the draw.

    Meanwhile, my priority is to live while I have the option.

  • Hi Mack53,

    Give MIA Travel Insurance a call, I used them last month for a holiday in Portugal for 12 days. They only gave it for a single trip but under my circumstances I felt the £280 was worth it.

    Take care, Tom.

  • Yes that's true, After alot of web searches and phone calls I spoke to independent BIBA advisors who said that as I have spreads in spine and pelvis and have zoledronic acid bone strengthening infusions once a month any broken bones for example would be linked back to my cancer weakening my bones. That policy does cover all covid related issues and repatriation if needed but still a rip off in my opinion. It all comes down to what you are willing to pay, want covering and the risk your willing to take. Good luck



    "Diagnosed March 2021 at 38 years old with stage 4 metastatic prostate cancer, my journey so far is on my profile"

  • Mack53, sorry for intrudung here slightly off question but just looking in isolation at comments on excluding the cancer itself but insurers linking anything back to that if you are unfortunate enough to have a claim, personally I would be very reluctant to accept exclusion but fully understand that some will want to do this if it is the only way to obtain insurance and therefore travel which is completely understandable.

    If people do look to exclude the cancer I suggest:

    • you can't tell if an insurer will deal with claims harshly and cost / brand name etc. are no guide. Look at independent reviews online to get a feel of how they deal with claims.
    • You need to declare absolutely everything you can think of when getting quotes. If unsure then contact the insurer and ask for clarification, otherwise you might have a problem later.
    • If you do exclude the cancer ask the insurer and ask how they would link back to it on a claim / get some examples of what they mean. Try to think of examples (eg the weak bone / breakage issue) that you might be concerned about to draw out their specific comments on these.
    • Ask for the wording of the exclusion relating to the cancer exclusion to see if it is specific on what exactly is excluded.
    • Get their comments in writing so you have something to fall back on. I use online chat where possible and obtain a transcript / screenshot of the conversation for future use / ammunition in the event of a problem. 

    I hope you het sorted.

    Made in 1956. Tested to destruction.
  • Thanks Paul i hope everything is going OK with you I'm much the same as u stage 4 Gleason 9 hopefully we're around for a lot longer 

  • Thanks Tom much appreciated 

  • I don't think exclusion is an option really thank you 

  • Me again Mack53, forgot to mention in my earlier post I`m stage 4 and Gleason 9.

    Take care, Tom.

  • Hi - I have just obtained Travel insurance. I have stage 4 cancer and was therefore concerned that I needed to be covered whist on holiday. Most online insurance - as soon as you say you’ve had surgery and treatment in the last 2 years  (which I have) - they couldn’t insure me. I found one called All Clear. It is very expensive but it co