Decapeplyl SR injection

  • 11 replies
  • 110 subscribers

Hello to you all, newish to this site, 2 weeks, advice needed, had my prostate remove seven years ago, my PSA was 79, after surgery it was 9, had usual scans test but could not discover where the cancer had spread to, gradually it climbed to 17 over siix months, so only option was to go on H/T so I went on Prostap, within 12/18 months it had dropped down to 0.1 and stayed there for the last 6 years, then early this year it started to climb only upto ,0.5 , so I was asked to stop the Prostap and reviewed after six months, PSA had risen to 7 , so had scans CT/bone etc but no signs of cancer so decision was to start me off on ,Decapeptyl SR one week ago, has anyone had this hormone treatment, and any of the side effects, on the data sheet the possible side effects is quite a long list, I am 71 and slim build, await any replays with thanks andy

  • Hi Andy . I was started straight off on Decapeptyl SR 11.25mg and I'm six weeks after my first injection. The only side effects so far for me have been mild occasional hot flashes and a little neck and upper shoulder/back muscular flu type soreness along with feeling a bit more fatigued inatially which now, are all  easing and almost back to normal. I'm 56 and normal build . I hope this helps you in some small way but do please bear in mind that side effects can differ form person to person , but all in all not too bad I must say . Good luck


  • Colin,thanks for your reply, it's reassuring to hear from some one actually on the same treatment, only Had a jab for one month so next one is a six month jab,so keeping my fingers crossed, thanks for taking the time, andy

  • Andy your welcome, my Jab's every three months. It'll be interesting to see other people's experiences with Decapeptyl who have been on it for longer and how well it actually works and how long for Thumbsup  Colin Thumbsup

  • Hi Andy, 

    I'm on the Decapeptyl Hormone Injection (6 months at a time).  The Night Sweats are increasing, emotions are all over the place, moody as anything.  I am like a proper woman.

    My hat goes off to all women who go through all of this normally.

    I won't complain (well, not much anyway).

    My next Decapeptyl Injection is due on Christmas Eve.  Guess what I am getting for Christmas.

    I also had VMAT Radiation treatment (20 sessions, finished it 2 weeks ago).

    If I could control the Night Sweats... But, if I do get the all-clear it will be all worth it.

    You may not get any side effects at all.

    Best of luck.

    Steve (SteveCam)

  • Hi Steve, thanks for your reply and position update, I am hoping my hot flushes have gone as I went thru those on Prostap also aching all over and feeling lethargic, the main concerns are the breathing, heart rhythm and manboobs, I have COPD for last 4 years and I am getting checked out next week for my heart concerns , irregular heart beat and I am slim/skinny so the boobs would probably stand out a mile, dependent of severity, I know you can get them  treated with a shot of radiation , but I already done 6 weeks of that for skin cancer on the neck, but it's good to communicate with others on the same treatment and I thank you for taking time to reply to my question, many thanks andy

  • You can get medication to help with the sweats/hot flushes.  Some men say they get some relief by taking Evening Primrose Oil Capsules and Sage Tablets.  Didn't work for me but it seems to work for some.

  • Andy,

    Never thought about Manboobs. 

    Don't think mine have grown.

    Steve (SteveCam)

  • Hi Andy I am on 24 weekly decapeptyl injections, not sure which gives me the most side effects.

    I told the nurses at the outreach clinic that they were trying to change me into a woman, hot flushes, emotional, headaches, and boobs, I can cope with these but the sudden desire for high heels and handbags is a step to far. Ha ha ha.:) 

    Laugh and everyone laughs with you, nobody wants to see you cry.

    All the best Ulls

    Slight smile

  • For some reason part of my reply did not go through, I am also on enzalutamide

  • Hello Ulla, thanks for the reply, that's a good attitude to have and I suppose it's probably the best way to handle these forms of treatment, I have always tried to live life like that , adversity can be overturned with good humour, I had several cases where my humour has brought distasteful looks from people who don't know my health position, so you got to become immune to it, and it's good to hear from you who has had more time on this medication, plus the second one as well, knowledge from others like yourself is very rewarding to hear, with thanks , andy