Swelling of the penis and scrotum

  • 11 replies
  • 110 subscribers

My dad has swelling of the penis and scrotum. Has anyone experienced this and how do you deal with it. My dad is really struggling. He’s stage four and has been transferred to palliative care. No one has come in to see him from palliative care as yet as we didn’t feel we needed it just yet. However he is known to district nurses but I’m unsure whether I should be phoning nurses to come in or his doctor. any advise please

  • Hi KarenSue welcome to the forum. That doesn't sound right at all and also sounds very painful for your dad. I would be tempted to get in touch now with out of hours services now and get someone out to see your dad asap. Or he may need to go into hospital to be seen but if thats what happens then at least they can make him more comfortable than he must be just now. He may also need  a Urinary Catheter inserted if he is having  problems passing Urine.

    Go phone now.


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  • Thank you for that. He’s not having trouble passing urine no more than expected with prostate cancer he says he’s not in pain just a lot of discomfort. Is it out of hours doctor telephone number. Sorry this is all very new to me 

  • No one has come in to see him from palliative care as yet as we didn’t feel we needed it just yet

    He needs them now. Their expertise is in symptoms of late cancer, they can help, or advise. Call them.

    - - -


    If I can't beat this, I'm going for the draw.

    Meanwhile, my priority is to live while I have the option.

  • Thank you for the input I’ve been onto the doctor and paramedics have been in 

  • Funnily enough I was talking to a friend of mine who had the same problem after prostate treatment - his wife is a nurse so took him straight to A&E.  This definitely needs looking at so glad to hear in your last post that you have had paramedics in.

  • Paramedics spoke to doctor and described to doctor what it’s like. They have given him cream in case of fungal infection. And are asking district nurses and palliative care team to come in. I’m really not happy with the doctors service at the moment. I’m feeling very frustrated. I don’t want to feel I’m going against what the doctor is doing but I feel I should take him to A&E. just really scared of you hospitals after the moment. 

  • What treatment has your Dad had?  Understand it is scary going into the hospital environment with Covid situation.   Have you managed to speak with his oncologist or Macmillan Nurse or Key worker he has had assigned to him at the hospital?  Try and copntact his oncologist's secretary so that the oncologist can give his opinion.

  • Thank you. 
    he has had decopeptyl for the last six years every three monthly injections and for the last year dexamethazone which hasn’t helped. I had a conversation with his oncologist about 4 weeks ago before all the swelling started. They basically said they wouldn’t see him again now as it was all down to palliative care team. I am discussing tomorrow with the GP how and when this will happen and about dad seeing a urologist. So will update tomorrow after this conversation I don’t feel the GP really has much clue to be honest. I will also ring palliative care team myself tomorrow again. 

  • No as you say the GP will not know too much about this as a specialist is needed.    A urologist should probably see your Dad.  Things are so difficult trying to get to see anyone now and telephone calls and video consultations are not all that useful when you really need to be seen.  or better still as I have had take a photo and send it in to the nurse practitioner!

  • Thank you for your replies. Dad has now been referred to Myron lymphatic clinic so fingers crossed