Just diagnosed

  • 2 replies
  • 109 subscribers

My husband has recently been diagnosed with prostate cancer. We have been told that it’s in his bones and therefore not curable but treatable. He has started hormone therapy. The consultant called to give him the results of the biopsy. Now I didn’t hear what she said but when my husband came off the phone he said that the result was high and he will go onto another treatment as well as hormone.  He didn’t ask what being high meant so I don’t know the implications. He has a ct scan next week. 

  • Hi

    Sorry you have to hear the news over the phone, face to face should always be the way these things go, then you can hear and decide what will happen next.

    Ive been a incurable for over five years, so don’t panic, you need him to have all his scans, do your best to try and get face to face, you want to ask questions, not easy over the phone, if they call again put it on speaker, you know the worst now, you want to know what treatments are available.

    There will be a lot of worry over the on coming months, I’m sure they have a plan on what medication he will be given, like I say I’m still here so no reason why he cannot do the same. Just carry on doing what your doing now, if you want to chat about the situation, McMillan nurses can pay you a visit just put your mind at ease.

    Stay safe

  • Thank you so much for that reassuring reply. I hope you continue to keep well