Lower back pain

  • 3 replies
  • 108 subscribers

I have stage 4 prostate cancer which has spread to various parts of my body including my ribs and spine.

I have been suffering from lower back pain for a few weeks but recently, it has become a lot worse, despite taking pain killers. These have various side effects including the blocks!

My consultant has suggested some radiotherapy but has said this can only be done once and is effectively a last resort..

What I would like to know is, has anyone had this treatment and, if so, how effective was it?

Thank you.

  • Hi

    I’am a stage 4 and I too have lower back pain as well, it’s in my pelvis, I did have an epidural injection to ease it and it did for about six to nine months, don’t know if you’ve asked about that. Are you on any medication at the moment ? Arberaterone or enzalutamide? Or hormone injections.

    Stay safe


  • Hi Joe

    Thanks very much indeed for your reply.

    No, I haven't been offered an epidural but will mention that to my Consultant shortly.

    The pain in my lower back is always worse at night and in the morning.  I have been managing it by taking Paracetamol and Co-codamol. My hip also hurts from time to time. This is not surprising as this is where the cancer was first found about 3 years ago!

    I have been on Abiraterone for about a year but have recently been taken off it as it was no longer effective. It is an incredibly expensive drug.

    I am only on 12 weekly hormone injections now but may be put on something else soon as my PSA is going in the wrong direction!

    Thanks for your input. It's good to communicate with someone who is in a similar position to myself!

    Best wishes


  • Hi

    This may help and it may not, I take pomi-t capsules helps with the PSA I also drink pomegranate juice this helps as well, if you like curry, add an extra pinch of turmeric all these things are a fight against raising PSA. They don’t work for everyone but worth a try when your at wits ends.

    stay safe
