Good news but still feel bad.

  • 4 replies
  • 112 subscribers

Hi all , had robotic prostate removal in January this year , unfortunately,  PSA after opp was 4.7 , so we knew it had spread elsewhere. After yet another PET scan , it was traced to lymph system in pelvic region and also travelled upwards. I was told radiotherapy wasn't an option as it is not suitable for the area. This came as a shock as the first thought it was contained within the prostate. I started Bicalutamide and had quite severe side effects , have now stopped Bicalutamide and started Triptorelin injections , on a 6 monthly basis. The good news is after first injection my PSA has come down to 0.01 , everybody seems to think this is great news , I know it is , but just don't feel any different about it. The side effects are quite harsh and depression and anxiety are taking there toll. Dr has out me on Mirtazapine,  I just can't to seem to pick myself up. I'm not after the sympathy vote here , just wondering if anybody is in the same boat. People around me are so happy , yet it just hasn't sunk in with me , perhaps I'm just a miserable git

  • My husband is the same seems to be depressed all the time he is on 200mg sertreline I look on sites where everyone seems ok there on treatment know what’s going on but my husband has had psa of 0.4 and nothing no treatment I’m left to wonder is he ok and all is fine and he is thinking the opposite it’s so hard for us all in our own way good luck take care 

  • Sorry to read this Wirral Dave, I had recurrence after prostatectomy and was on PROSTAP for 2.5 years. I ended up on fluoxetine because of low mood and anxiety. I did find a new normal eventually whist on PROSTAP. I kept golfing, walking and playing pickleball all of which helped with my fitness and mood. Hopefully things will settle. It isn’t surprising you feel this way after having had surgery and now on hormone therapy. I hope you can feel better soon.


  • Hi

    Great news as 0.01 is really low for PSA and with treatments always improving, your going to be like that for a good few years, mine went down to 0.04 and took five plus years to go up to 5, even then there are plenty of back up medications to stabilise that. 
    Me being such an easy going person, I hardly ever worry, the people round me are more concerned including my wife bless her. So my advice join in the fun do something you’ve always thought of, you have many many years to enjoy yourself start today.

    Stay safe


  • Hi Wirral Dave,

    joeven said   " So my advice join in the fun do something you’ve always thought of, you have many many years to enjoy yourself start today. "   Could not have put it better myself.

    I have started a bucket list for me to tick off as I complete them. Covid hasn`t helped but I have ticked off a few, in fact my list is still growing!!

    Prostate Cancer can be similar but different for every man and every man deals with it differently. There is no right way or wrong way but help is out there and this forum is a great place to start. I hope you find something you can relate to and get that "light bulb " moment which goes some way to pick you up again.

    Take care, stay strong & positive.  Tom