My dad

  • 10 replies
  • 111 subscribers

My dad has prostate cancer he also had a stroke and we think he has given up I just want someone who has gone through similar and to chat to as I don't want to upset the family we are a close family 

  • Welcome to the community Grannieoff4, sorry your dad is dealing with prostate cancer. Depending on his age, PSA score, Gleason score and stage he should have treatment options. 
    Have a look here Just diagnosed

    If you can supply more information that will help people to answer more specifically. Best wishes,


  • He was diagnosed January 2019 he had wee gold bars fitted and had radiotherapy 

  • Is he on hormone therapy at the moment? How is his PSA level? 


  • I honestly don't know he 81 and a very proud man he found it hard to tell us he had cancer in the 1st place 

  • If his stats r low, which we don't know, and the cancer was contained within the gland then hopefully it has been sorted.

    If he is still on hormone therapy (tablets)  the side effects can make u feel  fairly rough.

    Was the stroke recent or some time ago?

  • He had stroke bout 6 weeks ago but he never told us he just kept saying he was losing the power of his left side he was in hospital for a week and now he losing power on right side just spoke to mum and she said he only eating a slice of bread a day 

    That's what makes us think he giving up 

  • Obviously he has had a lot to contend with,  stroke and PC, most would have struggled with that.

    There r no easy answers but obviously the stroke is probably the most important to sort out as he has already had the PC treatment.

    Hope he recovers ok from the stroke.


  • Hi

    Sorry about your dad, never good news especially after his stroke, what treatment has he been offered ? With the stroke they have to be careful and I know they will be. 
    A close knit family is good in some respects, even better now you know what is happening, giving up crosses all our minds you just have to convince him, that his family loves him and wants him to there with them for as long as possible. Try to include him in everything, if it’s possible take your dad out for a few trips whatever is his favourite places anything that pleasing him.

    With saying wee gold bars I presume your Scottish, a really lovely place.

    Stay safe


  • We took him to oban and it took it out off him yes Ardrossan