Legs not feeling good

  • 5 replies
  • 110 subscribers

Hi I finnished my treatment 27/3/2019 radiotherapy 37 treatments & zoladex  which I Finnish this September had  most side effects some good some bad. but got on with life walking gardening & working on house then about five weeks ago getting the garden ready for new panel fence ( which is we are doing this weds ) my legs started to ache & a bit painful gradually ache a bit more at the end of day I dont want to walk to far &  feeling tired any one else had this if so what's answer to help I have to much to do                                                                               thanks for any help   DAVIE B   

  • Hi

    zoladex I do not know much about, back pain Yep mine comes and goes especially when I’ve done a bit of graft. I presume you’ve had the covid jabs ? Worth just checking with oncologist and telling them, I get extremely tired but I’am on enzalutamide.

    Would not go amiss to give the doctors a ring either, always good to get two comments. I would hope a scan would be forth coming, clear you of anything that might be happening.

    Stay safe


  • I've never come across this, but I've long since ceased to be surprised by the many side effects of PCa treatments!

    On the other hand, it may be nothing to do with PCa or the treatment, so I'd check with your GP.

    - - -


    If I can't beat this, I'm going for the draw.

    Meanwhile, my priority is to live while I have the option.

  • Thanks for reply I'm hoping it might just be me  apart from the legs everything else is fine sometimes I forget being 75 might not help thanks  again                          DAVIE B

  • Hmm!  Yes we do forget these things don't we?  I read a funny on fb months if not years ago saying that most accidents to older men happen because they expect to be able to do the things younger men do so easily.  I would definitely check with both cancer consultant/nurse and your GP though never does harm to find out if there is anything else at play.

    All the best

    Des    (77 and still doing the odd very stupid things I should get someone else to do).

  • Thanks for reply I think what you say is true you forget your age I have a call booked with my consultant in two weeks will certainly bring these points up                                                                                                                                                 DAVIE B  
