
  • 4 replies
  • 110 subscribers

Hi everyone

I haven't been on here for sometime.  Basically, I was diagnosed in 2017 with bladder cancer, which resulted in a radical cystectomy, which includes the removal of the prostate.  My histology showed early stages of prostate cancer, which was incidental and not related.  

Generally my health has been fine and I've been getting on life ok.  In Nov 2019, my PSA had risen to .02 and I was told not to worry. The issue I have is that I am under two Hospitals: one doesn't do PSA tests becsuse it causes too much anxiety, but does go 6 monthly CT scans of the pelvis and chest.  The second; has stopped the scans, but does yearly checks and annual PSA.

Unfortunately, due to Covid I missed out on my Nov PSA test, but my scan went ahead and was totally clear. I did contact the PSA Hospital and explained that I was bit concerned about travelling dud to Covid and they are quite happy to postpone the test for few months.  Fortunately  my daughter is able to do the bloods, as she is works for the NHS, so I'm getting them done the week after next.

I have taken advice and have been reassured that I have nothing to worry about, I'm still s little nervous about the delay. All my consultations are done by phone, which I prefer, and I do have a scan in April.

Just feeling a bit jumpy at the moment

  • Hi Ianw,

    Just a thought, but what about your GP doing a PSA for you? Mine does it no problem.

    Best wishes & take care. Tom

  • Thanks, fortunately I've got paperwork and my daughter can do them pass them onto Barts.

    It doesn't matter where you go, there you are
  • one doesn't do PSA tests becsuse it causes too much anxiety

    Is this right? That certainly might apply in the 'worried well', but should never be the case for people with a PCa history.

    Can you not get your blood tests via the GP, at least for the moment?

    - - -


    If I can't beat this, I'm going for the draw.

    Meanwhile, my priority is to live while I have the option.

  • Well fortunately my daughter works as a midwife for the NHS for one off the Trusts involved. My CSN is sending the test tube lables for the PSA test and she can draw the samples at my home. Obviously, wearing PPE, so I don't have to leave home. I really wish I knew about it earlier, as I could have got it dealt with earlier.

    I did consider the GP, but it would mean getting the test at a centre under a third trust and then getting the GP to send the results to the Hospital.  I found out that the CSNs at both Hospitals talk to each other, so it looks like the matter will be resolved.

    Jeez I hope the promised NHS reforms allow a better sharing of info.

    Thanks for the response by the way

    It doesn't matter where you go, there you are