Dads psa up, down and up

  • 8 replies
  • 109 subscribers

Dad just got latest PSA at 131 from 117.7. He had a similar rise approx 3/4 months ago from 178 to 210. Is this normal? anyone else get ups and downs over the months?. He is on Zytiga been on it around 8 months. We started off at 10,000+. Im starting to struggle badly. Lost mum to breast cancer 2016. I look after dad but admit im struggling real bad. It's just me and dad left. He has had chemo and radiotherapy on his spine. Are there more treatments after Zytiga. anyone please?


  • FormerMember

    So sorry to hear of your unfavorable outcomes. I think the PSA is a tool to measure how your treatments are working. If your father came down from 10,000+ what a ice favorable outcome that was. I haPray dealt with favorable and unfavorable outcomes since 2008 and my PSA went up after 6 rounds of taxotere to 64 from 32. My bone Mets progressed as well however my Mets in adrenal glands shrunk in halPray I am getting my 9 th taxotere next Tuesday and waiting for further teststo see if we change chemotherapy drugs to Jevtana. Again 12 years since diagnosed so know my time is in my makers hands. I thPrayk of my wife when I read your story and her sacrifices. It is not easy for either so I pray you find your peace of mind and ask for serenityPray Keep on believing and always be joyful-ABJ

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    thanks for your reply, yes amazing from psa 10,000+ to now 131. i just get so scared and worried because i know what the end result will be. I just hope it's many many many years away. Mental strength is not my strong point. Easier said than done for me, My mum,her sister, her brother all passed in their 50's due to cancer. My mums mum (nan) passed too all in 4 years of each other. i've seen this before. Then i think im scared then think how my dads feeling. im a mess i stopped my medication after the doctor said "wait until your dad gets worse then we will look at your meds". so i just walked out not taken or collected my meds for 18 months. Most stopped working they was the lowest dose and i got tolerant to them but doc just refused to up dose or change. Now im stuck. tired angry depressed suicidal. But i promised mum i would look after dad and i will. But if/when he goes im following. Please MacMillan don't waste your time contacting me over the use of the suicide word. Im not going any place until i seen dad off.

    thanks for your reply


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    You are in my prayers as well as your fatherPray

  • FormerMember

    All the views of this original comment 1 person replies, so your telling me this is has not happened to others? i need help people surely this is not the only case in the world? where are you all? HAS ANYONE HAD PSA GO UP,DOWN and UP AGAIN?. And is there any treatment after zytiga. can he go back to chemo he's had 1 course approx 18 months ago with very little trouble and good results.

    thanks to anyone that can be bothered to reply.

  • Hi ja 

    There r probably quite a few people on here where the psa has fluctuated including myself but  you need someone similar to your dad ie psa 10,000 ish then down into the hundreds 

    Not an expert on psa at this sort of level but I would say that a movement of 20-30 when in the hundreds is probably of not too much concern.

    I think that HT can cause psa to fluctuate.

    Hope others will post that have been in a similar position to your dad to give their view 

    Best wishes


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Grundo

    thanks for your reply GRUNDO, and time. every bit helps. that was i thought i had it's around a 12% increase in 2 months. Im not the cleverest person and very weak minded. just having a bad day with the psa rise. i have no one to talk to or turn to apart from dad. obviously i can't tell him my worries and concerns that will not help him at all.

    thanks for replying means a lot to me, just knowing someone cares enough to reply and try to help. THANKS. X X X



  • Hi,

    PSA can vary a lot, and it doesn't always mean anything (little things can have a quite big effect).

    The best way to look at PSA is over two or three results - is it generally going up or down? Again, from such a high starting point, don't fret about small changes.

    What is much more important is how he is in himself? You don't say much about his illness (stage, age, how long ago diagnosed, etc), so I can't be more specific.

    You need to talk with the specialist nurse involved in his care (if there is one), or failing that your GP.

    You also need to get help for your mental health issues. You can't be much support to your Dad when you are having trouble holding yourself together. Get help.

    - - -


    If I can't beat this, I'm going for the draw.

    Meanwhile, my priority is to live while I have the option.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Heinous

    thanks for your time and reply.