Sharing some good news

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  • 117 subscribers

I want to share some good news because perhaps it might give a little reassurance to others.

I had robot-assisted prostatectomy surgery in December 2019, aged 64, overweight, but otherwise healthy. Before the op I had a PSA of 6.61 and Gleason 5+4. A number of lymph nodes were removed and cancer was found in one of them.

I had six months of hormone therapy from March 2020 and six weks of daily radiotherapy in July and August.

Last week I heard that my first post-treatment PSA test result was "undetectable" which is the good news I was hoping to hear. I will now have further PSA tests every few months to monitor my progress.

I still have a way to go, as I have developed lymphoedema in my leg which is being treated with a compression stocking and exercise, I still have a very small amount of urinary stress incontinence, and the ED is where one would expect it to be after both sets of prostate nerves were removed (which is nowhere!) (despite advice etc. from an Andrology specialist).

Overall, I am feeling a lot happier than I did before I had my results. I wish everyone a similar outcome (except the lymphoedema, and the ED, of course, I wouldn't wish that on anyone!)

Angus (not my real name)