Merry Christmas and Botox

  • 2 replies
  • 108 subscribers

So now the cake is eaten and the turkey binned.

What can anyone tell me about bladder Botox?

Best Wishes for the New Year

  • I can tell you that it isn't generally a prostate cancer issue (unless you know different?).

    More an issue for bladder emptying problems and occasionally benign prostate.

    But if it IS about PCa, we'd need much more detail to advise.

    - - -


    If I can't beat this, I'm going for the draw.

    Meanwhile, my priority is to live while I have the option.

  • I was offered this due to bladder problems back in the very early 2000's on a research programme at our University Hospital.  At the time it meant a general anaesthetic every 6 months to give it.  so, I declined.  Now however they don't need to give a general to administer the botox.  I know severl men who have had good results from this and as my bladder problems are still nto resolved asked about getting this now.  The one thing that put me off was that a very few men have found that after countless injections it has stopped their muscles working and so they have to be permanently catheterised.  this was about 3 years ago I asked about this.  Who is offering this to you and why?  It does work for many but it is good to know of the worst possible outcome as above.