Decapeptyl 6 months v 3 months

  • 2 replies
  • 110 subscribers

Has anyone noticed the difference between the three month and six month version of decapeptyl, 

Ive experienced extreme fatigue and depression. I’m interested and hope you’re not going through the lows I’m currently experiencing. I’m hoping that the three month version is less significant,  what are peoples experience, I’m on this for life, I’m 51 and don’t want this. I even had to take yesterday off. I know some effects I have to live with but hoping this is not one.  This time there is less bad things going but last time was unbearable due to work issues and I have 17 years more work theoretically 

  • This is a bit of a long shot Young man but there was an article in the Daily Mail on 23/11 regards depression pills from the 1950s for the treatment of PC after it has returned. Potentially less side effects than HT.

    Hope that u find something as it sounds unbearable what u r currently going thru.

    Best wishes


  • Hi YM

    Been on 3 monthly injections for over 7 yrs now never had them over 6 months so can't comment on that part but certain on the 3 monthly. Side effects are like a roller coaster......they build up then die down again. Took a good few months to get used to the fatigue & hot flushes but it does ease over time, how long.....who knows as it will effect us all differently.
