Advanced cancer outlook - dad

  • 3 replies
  • 109 subscribers

My dad has been recently diagnosed with Advanced PC.  It's an aggressive cancer and he needs another scan to re look at the lymph nodes. It thankfully has not spread to the bones. 

He is otherwise a healthy and very active 63 year old. The treatment they have decided on is chemo followed by radio therapy with hormone tables and injections. 

Is there any other treatments we should be asking for? What is his out look like? 

  • Sorry to hear that.

    Can you give a little more info;

    What was his Gleason score; what's his TNM (Tumour / Nodes / Metastases), and where has it spread to.

    Has he started the hormone therapy?

    But if it's any reassurance, even with aggressive advanced prostate cancer, many men live for years.

    - - -


    If I can't beat this, I'm going for the draw.

    Meanwhile, my priority is to live while I have the option.

  • Chemo is going to be the main line of attack at the start for your Dad followed by the other treatments as you list and there are others that can be used afterwards when those treatments no longer work.  This seems pretty standard.  I am presuming the radiotherapy will tackle either the prostate itslef or the areas of spread - though you don't say if there is any spread localised or other but it can be used for both,  My Brother in law was diagnosed with Advanced Prostate Cancer - Stage 4 at 55 and lived until nearly 70 having chemo first and then other treatments.  Since he was diagnosed many years ago there are lots of treatments available that weren't available then and his consultant who meets with my sister in law at various prostate cancer charity events in the area says that he could have lived longer if those treatments had been available then.  The main thing is for your Dad to stay active and positive.  My brother in law went on long haul holidays (though insurance was expensive) and really enjoyed life with his extended family in those years after diagnosis.

    All the best


  • Hi

    His outlook (although incurable ) will be good for a number of years, I’ve had the same treatment, lowers the PSA attacks the cancer and will keep him going for years to come. By that time maybe more new drugs will become available.

    If he starts on the chemo, please keep a check on his temperature, I cannot stress how important this is, after my third session of chemo I caught sepsis, easily done red cells being so low, but still here.

    take care.
