Gleason 9

  • 5 replies
  • 109 subscribers

Hi to you all.

Most of the literature does not deal specifically with Gleason 8 and over.

The surgeons like to use the lower Gleasons in their statistics,even Patrick Walsh admits it.

I am interested to hear of experiences with Gleason 9.

I am 69.

Had RP and had BCR after 7 months.

Am starting RT with 70 Gray over 35 sessions.

Current PSA is 0,2 after RP was 0.08.

Histology showed tumour removed with margins of 2 mm but some things must still be there.(final classification due to clear edges was R0 but there had been some extracapsular extensuion)

PSMA Pet is showing nothing except slight inflammation near suture.

Good luck all of you out there!

  • I was Gleason 9 / T3aN0M0

    I opted for EBRT (External Beam Radiotherapy), which I had in 2015, with 3 years of hormones; these days they generally prescribe 18 months!

    No regrets and PSA has been consistently virtually zero. Touch wood!

    - - -


    If I can't beat this, I'm going for the draw.

    Meanwhile, my priority is to live while I have the option.

  • Thanks for that answer,now I understand why you are pro hormone therapy.

    3 years is long.

    Ultimately the problem with Gleason 9 is I could  have castration resistant PC then it gets really nasty.

    I hope you will stay ok and keep your humour.



  • Hormone therapy is hell on earth. I loathe it.

    But the weight of evidence is that EBRT with it is better than EBRT without it. It's that simple.

    I would much rather not have had HT: but no sense in taking half the medicine; might as well take none!

    - - -


    If I can't beat this, I'm going for the draw.

    Meanwhile, my priority is to live while I have the option.

  • I totally agree with you about Hormone Therapy but look on it as you do as a necessary evil. I'm just coming to the end of my second year. I would never have believed I thought about sex so much still I stopped and woke up every morning thinking about Brexit!  It's always made out to me like I'm the only one and all others tolerate it very well.

  • It's always made out to me like I'm the only one and all others tolerate it very well.

    Weird how they play it down, isn't it?

    But almost everyone gets the fatigue, the moods, the weight gain, ... I could go on! Trouble is, they're all 'invisible effects'. And I guess many people are too low in mood to complain about it. Smiley

    - - -


    If I can't beat this, I'm going for the draw.

    Meanwhile, my priority is to live while I have the option.