Dad just been diagnosed

  • 2 replies
  • 109 subscribers

Hi. My dad has just been diagnosed with PC. Thought i would look on here for some support and experiences people have had with treatment. 

His PC is still contained within and not spread so been told its treatable with hormone and radiotherapy. He is 69 and major surgery maybe high risk due to other medical conditions diabetes obesity etc

His gleeson score is 8 and PSA level is 5.8 as of last week. 

Has anyone had similar to the above and recovered with hormone and radiotherapy alone? Or should i push for major surgery? So confused...


  • Hi Noah.

    I was 71 when diagnosed with PCa. My Gleason score was 4+5=9 and PSA was 15. The cancer was graded as T3A N0 M0 so no spread outside the prostate. I was offered the option of surgery or HT/RT but chose the latter as I am very active (a lot or rowing) and was concerned about the possible effects of impact incontinence. 

    I started hormone treatment in October 2018 and had 20 sessions of radiotherapy in Feb/Mar 2019. I have another 12 months on hormone treatment (3 years in total) and my PSA since the RT finished has been <0.1. I have now been downgraded from oncology to urology and the latest consultant urologist says I will be on three-monthly PSA tests until one year after the hormone treatment finishes and then on the six-monthly tests for a year and finally annual tests until five years since treatment stops (by which time I will be nearly 80). They clearly consider that my PCa has been cured, but I'll hold judgement until after the HT has finished.

    I hope you Dad's journey is OK. Please come here for and help or advice.

    Please click on my profile for more.

    Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery and today is a gift.
    (See my profile for more)
  • Hi Noah and welcome, sorry to hear about your dad

    Surgery is not always the best option and in some ways RT is simpler with no major op to contend with. Potentially less side effects as well.

    Psa is low although Gleeson is medium , it's good that the cancer is contained.

    Only downside is that surgery after RT is not an easy option (if needed) whereas RT after surgery is still there as a further treatment option. 

    Try and do some research into the different options before deciding and also see what others say. Whether he goes for RT or surgery  should be the same outcome as success rates are similar.

    Best wishes
