Update on warning against driving

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  • 108 subscribers

I rang the Specialist Nurse yesterday, about why she advised P not to drive - apparently it's because of the extent of his bony mets and therefore weak bones; she reckoned sudden movement like twisting or doing an emergency stop might cause a fracture, which wouldn't then heal. Which sounds a fairly fragile state of affairs - she did reckon the oncologist might have other advice, but in the meanwhile I'm doing all the driving. Which is a pain in the arse at present, as P is involved in a drama production, and over the next couple of weeks there are rehearsals or performances every couple of days, but I can hardly begrudge him participating in something he's done for over 40 years.

  • Sorry you are having to do all the driving.  My wife had to drive me for months before and after my knee replacement.  I do hope the amateur dramatics production goes well and it is good he has something like this even though it is a pain for you. 

    When do you see the oncologist?

  • We don't know - we're waiting for appointments for a CT and for the oncologist.

    Partner of man with advanced prostate cancer.
  • I have prostate cancer with bony mets for nearly three years since diagnosis and was never advised against driving. It sounds like a right nuisance so speak with the oncologist, his secretary or email him. I would like to think he would be positive. Good luck.

  • We saw the oncologist today (8 am appointment, a real shock to the system!) and he seems happy for P to drive if he wants to. Brilliant! There's the possibility of chemo once he's been on the Zoladex for 3 months....he's considering it, bearing in mind coronavirus - he really doesn't want to be immune-compromised while that's going round!

    Partner of man with advanced prostate cancer.
  • That's great and useful news for you. Chemo works a treat, I would take the oncologists advice on the when, why and what's,, they know their onions!

    If the zoladex brings on the hot flushes, Provera, dispensed by your doctor, kills them dead. Certainly worked for me.