new diagnosis

  • 4 replies
  • 111 subscribers

hi, I am 54 and been told I have prostate cancer after years of being checked and told just prostititus. I am terrified inside but pretending to family and friends etc I am not. my pea was always elevated and 5-6, kept getting weird symptoms and finally doctor did MRI. scan shows 4/5 reading and although consultant says at this stage not 100% cancer, he said in his opinion it will be. he also said that I need urgent biopsy to show extent of cancer. I am scared, cant think straight. 

  • Hello dud, welcome to the community. I’m sorry to read about your situation and stress levels. It’s perfectly normal to be scared, it would be worth telephoning the nurses on Macmillan 0800 808 0000 or on PCUK 0800 074 8383. They are wonderful, very knowledgeable and helpful.

    You won’t know what you are dealing with until you have a biopsy and a pathologist looks at the samples.

    This link is useful too


  • hey dud 

    i take the consultant ur seeing is a urologist ? has he done a dre on you where he's felt ur prostate ?

    normally the scan is done to see if there is any spread , u say it showed 4/5 not quite sure what that means ? 

    the biopsy i had was uncomfortable but not painful so its nothing to worry about .

    yes it is scary , my urologist told me he thought i had cancer b4 he had any results , so i prepared myself for it but then after the biopsy and mri he told me it was inoperable and i was incurable that was a bombshell to say the least .

    so i was passed on to oncology for palliative treatment but other than peeing more often there was nothing wrong with me !!!

    you need to have someone to confide in and share ur fears .

    hopefully u dont have cancer and if u do its curable 

    pma positive mental attitude is the best weapon in this fight 

  • Hi Dud

    Although it is the biopsy that will show the aggressiveness of the cancer ie , by way of Gleeson score, it is the Mri that will show were it has spread to , hopefully contained within the gland,

    Could be worth asking for a copy of the Mri report to try and establish these facts. I presume that u are not seeing your consultant now until after biopsy?

    Also , am I right in saying that your psa is 5/6 because that can be a good indicator of severity of the cancer?


  • Hi Dud,

    My dad was diagnosed with locally advanced prostate cancer last June.

    I can’t give much practical advice but just wanted to try and reassure you - like you, I was so upset and frightened when we got the news, and dad obviously even more so.

    But try and remember that for the majority of people, prostate cancer is one of the slowest spreading cancers and is often treatable.

    I really found this forum helpful. And don’t feel like you have to put on a front for your family - they’ll understand how worried you are - they’ll be feeling the same. This has brought me and my dad much closer and we’re all helping each other through it.

    I hope all goes well.
