Follow up PSA

  • 11 replies
  • 111 subscribers

Hey all, prob not going to get any answers here but thought I'd ask anyway. Hubby has protestectony in March. He was told there is possibility cancer could come back as his was aggressive. Clear margins after op and two following PSAs were fine. Was offered a phone call for next one which he agreed to but they didn't call on the say arranged and spoke to nurse following say who said we needed to wait for a letter. She couldn't discuss it but said to wait. I'm tearing my hair anxious. Been editing three months for the results and they don't call. Now have to wait. They've already booked next appointment for next PSA for 5 weeks time. Is it rising perhaps? Or do men get PSAs through post?

  • Hi Wifey

    Did he have test done at the hospital or was it done thru the GP?

    I don't think that it's normal to get psa results in the post.

    When I have my follow up psa I get it done at the GP, they print me off the result when it comes thru and then the hospital call me at agreed time to collect the result.

    I would call the hospital again and put some pressure on for an answer or u could see if your GP can help u by contacting the hospital.



  • Many Thanks Steve. Yes usually his PSA is done at the GP and results collected from hospital when there is an appointment made. If its raised we would rather know, we were asked if he wanted results over the phone so waited all day Tues. Its caused me a great deal of Anxiety... Its probably fine. 

    One day at a time.
  • Hello Wifey,

    My hospital has a different routine than your's or Steve's for follow up PSA results. If you were supposed to get a 'phone call but didn't and have now been left hanging (and worried sick) this is simply not on and I think you have every right to expect an immediate answer from them.

    If your husband has blood tests at the GP surgery he might be able to find out the results from there?  

    Made in 1956. Tested to destruction.
  • I would call your GP and ask if they can give you the results.  If they can't then call the hospital again.  Did you ask why they hadn't phoned when they said?  I was going to have a follow up once this way and again they didn't call on the day - but I had already got the results from the GP so wasn't worried about that but they called the next day when we were driving in the car so couldn't really speak so asked for hospital follow up the next time.  I had an hours drive to the hospital but I wasn't claiming for that just taking up the consultant's time.  Personally if asked to do telephone again would choose not to do it.

  • If the PSA  is done at the GP then the GP should surely get a copy of the result even if u would normally get the result from the hospital.

    I agree with excavator's dig (pardon the pun) at the hospital, it's not on.

    Try the GP first see if they have a copy.


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to excavator


    For the past seven years I’ve had my PSA test every 12 weeks at my GPs surgery. I have always phoned two days later for the result. I would have thought that this was standard procedure as waiting for the result is always very worrying.


  • Thanks all our procedure here is that you can go anywhere GP or hospital for the test but you get results from the hospital. He knows the blood nurse so hoping everything is OK but last month he had a series of bloods done for other stuff but blood nurse said it was all fine..we werent sure if this meant PSA as well. Anyways we had appointment due on the 28th for a call and they didn't call. When we called twice there was no answer and lady at reception couldn't get the team either. I then received a call back from one of his nurses saying we should wait for the letter and she didn't know what was in it. I'm trying not to panic as we tend to prefer the results and this is probably fine and they have probably forgotten the worry and concern this night cause. I'm just totally gutted as they know I'm struggling with my emotions as it is. Arrangements have been made for us to see them in March which is Aldo odd as although it would be the month, its  a face to face appointment...after we have asked for phinecall so yeah going grey again. Been waiting three months for this result

    One day at a time.
  • . The waiting is the worst. In my area I get an envelope which I give to the gp phlebotomist which directs the results to my oncologist so the GP doesn’t even see the results.

    I would ring the hospital again, this is a battle as much in our heads as in our bodies. People are different, some need to know all the details and results whereas others just want to have reassurance it’s okay.

    If you husband and you require details then they should be available, then it’s the knowledge around the results and what they mean, if a small rise in psa, is it significant, possibly not. If more treatment is required then what are options recommendations,  I’ve just finished chemo and have first follow up in mid Feb, I think it will be a while before I’ll accept telephone results, think I’d rather speak to a specialist nurse /consultant  to get details and next steps.


  • Hi J

    Thanks for responding I wish you well with your Chemo. Yes just rang Doc but they don't know anything. I'm gutted that the nurse didn't call.. Waiting three months for each result takes it toll. Didn't help when we called again and she still didn't call us back. We have a follow up letter now for March but PSA test won't be until Feb so utterly confused now and stressed. Im OK with facts no natter how hard but can't stand the ambiguity. 

    One day at a time.
  • Hi J

    Thanks for responding I wish you well with your Chemo. Yes just rang Doc but they don't know anything. I'm gutted that the nurse didn't call.. Waiting three months for each result takes it toll. Didn't help when we called again and she still didn't call us back. We have a follow up letter now for March but PSA test won't be until Feb so utterly confused now and stressed. Im OK with facts no natter how hard but can't stand the ambiguity. 

    One day at a time.