Different type of treatment

  • 2 replies
  • 109 subscribers

Hi all

I’ve thought about this many times, it may have been tried, using a dialysis machine, remove the blood, then from the machine to another machine where the blood once cleaned is medicated like chemotherapy, then put back into the person, so two machines out from one arm, into the other.

obviously this is a rough draft of what I mean, just interested if anyone has thought of the same idea or heard of this process.


  • Hi Joe

    I've not heard of this. I would have thought that injecting chemo into the bloodstream, as done now, would have the same effect.

    Hope that things r going ok with you, did u ever look into immunotherapy treatment, there's been quite a bit of info in the press recently.?

    Best wishes


  • Hi Steve

    Psa rising slowly up to 1.7, had a consultation with my gastronomic doctor, seems I have a fatty liver my HB and BMI were high, I have to lose about 20 pounds and re do my diet, I eat properly fish white meat, whole meal bread, drink water and pomegranate juice, just cut the alcohol to barely a can a week and excersize which I do.
    In myself, I’am fairly good fatigue and tiredness bit of a bind.

    As regards what I mentioned, as we know are blood is contaminated with cancer cells and other anomalies, cleaning it first in one machine then from there to the next machine which either chemo or t-cells could be used, then back into the body, the idea the blood would be cleaner and the medication will fight what’s left.

    Smaller amounts of medication could be used, so the patient does not suffer from side effects and could be used more regularly as the doses would be smaller.

    Its just a thought

    ive read a lot about immuntherapy but early stages still a lot of work to do side effects are horrendous.
