trying to come to terms with P.C

  • 11 replies
  • 111 subscribers

I am trying to come to terms with P.C 10 days ago can anyone help.

Glesson score 3+4 

  • Hi Cyclops. I'm sorry that you have to be here but welcome to the forum.

    PC is slow growing and you have plenty of time to consider your treatment options. Also, a Gleason score of 3+4 = 7 indicates a less aggressive form so that gives you more time too.

    It would be helpful to know your TNM grading and whether or not you have had a detailed MRI scan or a bone scan.

    Please keep in touch.

    Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery and today is a gift.
    (See my profile for more)
  • Cyclops

    I must admit that it's one of the worst days, when u are told result of the Gleeson and PC is confirmed.

    As Seamus says though, Gleeson shows potentially a non aggressive form, so long as the psa is lowish and the MRI shows the tumour is contained, then it should be curable.

    As the weeks go by and treatment starts you will feel better, I found that the best way to cope was to carry on normally, push the cancer to the back of your mind.

    Going to work helps or having plenty of interests , trying not to dwell on it.

    Don't forget that u can always come on here, there are loads of people to help u, all who have been thru the same.

    Best wishes


  • I had the same gleeson score with a PSA of 13 but my MRI showed that the tumour was pushing on the edge of the capsule so chose to have Hormone Treatment - which I started within weeks of the biopsy which continued for 9 months and then 20 rounds of radiotherapy after being on 6 months of Hormone Therapy.  3 years post treatment and my PSA is still undetectable.  I was 73 at the time of diagnosis.  I continued life as normal all the way through treatment - although I dion't work I just carried on looking after my 1 acre of garden and going to the gym at least 4 times a week.  The worst part of all this is the waiting for results of tests, Multi Disciplinary Meetings to discuss treatment to take place  and for various parts of treatment to start - 2 weeks seems such a long time but generally for me 2 to 3 weeks was the longest wait for anything.  Also the thought of the radiotherapy seemed a long time to turn up at a hospital every week day for 4 weeks but it went really quickly.  We made the most of it as we decided to live in the city near the hospital (it would have been a 2 or 2 and a half hour drive each way otherwise) spending the first 10 days in a travel lodge and the second ten days at a cancer self help group that provided accommodation and transport to and from the hospital and also complimentary therapies, swimming pool, aquafit and a gym. We went to the theatre, museums etcl.  In fact if it hadn't been for the radiotherapy appointments you could almost have counted as a holiday!

    Other than telling you my story I can only echo what has already been said above.  I also found that being able to speak to others with prostate cancer was helpful and went to our Maggie's Centre Prostate Cancer group which we both found wonderful talking to the gents and their wives and partners.  Doing their relaxation classes, Getting Fit after cancer treatment courses and talking to the professionals at the centre.  If you have one at your hospital do go and give it a try.  If not you may find that there are other prostate cancer or cancer self help groups you can go to.

    All the best and keep us posted on your progress.


  • I was Gleason 3+4. T2. That was over three years ago. Had the little blighter removed Da Vinci style. Latest psa less than 1.0. There are dark days but yoiu get past them

    Good luck.

  • I was Gleason 3+4. T2. That was over three years ago. Had the little blighter removed Da Vinci style. Latest psa less than 1.0. There are dark days but you get past them

    Good luck.

  • hey cyclops 

    sorry to hear about ur diagnosis , but ur gleason score gives u time and a should be curable i hope

    i'm incurable ( so they say ) , so i'm on hormone injections and tablets everyday had the chemo too !!

    i never missed a days work all that time and i'm a self employed gardener so a physical job , i carried on going out for walks  and doing everything that i did before i found out i had this shit inside me .

    what i'm trying to say is positivity is getting me through this , i have a gallows sense of humour about my situation too this helps me too .

    be strong and be positive and u'll kick its arse no problem 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Seamus47

    Hi Seamus. Thank for your kind words ,I am trying to think positive but it is difficult to comes to terms with the P.C .Maybe it is early days and things should improve.

    I have had a MRI scan and the grading was T2 and a PSA level of May of last year

    I had a further biopsy in December and blood test the PSA level had risen to 45.

    I quote from the letter from the consultant after the biopsy.

    Detected cancer in 4/6 sectors,the higher volume on the left ,but also tumour on the right side,but all Gleason scores 3+3. 10 cores were taken from the left lobe 5 are positive Gleason 3+4 to 4 mm.

    No pattern 4 disease was identified in the target cores.

    I have started Hormone therapy table form and will have an injection LHRH implant what ever that means.

    Once again thank you for your support.



  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Dennis1982

    Thank you for your support and kind words I am trying to be positive but it is early days and thing should improve.I have started Hormone therapy tablet form and will have a LHRH injection what ever that means.And radiotherapy to commence in April.

    Once again that you for your concern


  • FormerMember

    Hello Cyclops, I've was told I had PC.20 days ago, So we are experiencing similar circumstances. I have had a CT Scan and Bone Scan, now waiting for my biopsy appointment. (apprehensive about that!) Then discussions on completion. Just started on Hormone injections. I would appreciate any advice you may have received on coming to terms. Hope you don.t mind me messaging you.Blueygord

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hello Blueygord. It good to hear from you,we appear to be at the same stage of treatment. I am to on Hormone tablets having my first injection today.The biopsy was not to bad as I received a mild sedative and pain drugs it seem to over in a short time. I am still trying to come to terms with PC I find it difficult to put things in perspective and trying to keep busy. I have been told that this a normal reaction and it should pass once the treatment is under way. It was a shock to hear that I had PC.The good thing is that it is treatable and we  both should be clear in due course so we have to hang on and beat this.Please feel free to contact me if you need to talk.

