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  • 112 subscribers

Evening I trust you all had a good Christmas.

I’ve  just started my 10 days on bicalutamide before the zoladex injection then more bicalutamide 

Other than my moods are getting very bad - what else can I expect, if anyone knows?

Off to visit family in the morning- That’ll help the moods, I’m sure...

  • Hi Robert, hot flushes are pretty much standard fare, some fatigue too.


  • Everybody's different Robert what some get others don't. You could get some weight gain round the middle and loss of libido can be a problem. The one no one talks about is you can get get some genital shrinkage. I actually lost about two thirds of the size of my testicles which came as a bit of shock but  i hopefully the end will justify the means and HT is not always a long treatment it can I believe be anything from 6 months to 3 years it should only go on longer if the cancer has spread. I've been on it for 18 months now and look on it as a necessary evil. But I will stress again that we all have different reactions so it's possible you may notice very little. 

    Good luck and I wish you all the very best for the New Year.


  • Hi Robert, here are the common side effects of Zoladex as listed by Macmillan. As Prefect56 has said everyone is slightly different but the list shows the common ones.



  • Hi Robert

    A very common side-effect of Bicalutamide is itchy skin. Several members here have experienced it, as did I. It stopped for me just a few days after stopping the Bicalutamide and hasn't recurred.

    I'm on Prostap not Zoladex but also had significant genital shrinkage (to about one third of normal). For a while I had to sit down to pee as there was nothing to get hold of when pointing! It's actually improved recently and I don't have to sit down to pee quite so often.

    Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery and today is a gift.
    (See my profile for more)
  • FormerMember

    Thanks everyone - I’ll be looking for the common effects and hope nothing to drastic.

    weight gain plus Christmas feeding is a bit of a bummer! More discipline required.

    I did look though the effects list but that got depressing so thought “local” knowledge would be more useful.

    Happy Saturday 

  • An advantage of hormone therapy is that when you mention it outside prostate cancer circles, and state that you have hot flushes, you are greeted with gales of laughter, especially from women.

    Joe Soap
  • Not sure if I would place under the advantage heading JS

  • The only advantage I saw on the list of side effects was some men get more hair growth on their heads. I was quite looking forward to that but it's one of the few that's passed me by! Still can't win em all I suppose.

    Happy New Year all.

    Regards Reg